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Everything posted by Lowershoresadness

  1. the panic room is hopping. that can't be good
  2. he really showed his acting chops in "One flew over the Milf's Nest"
  3. I feel ya Rev. The days when General Washington lead the troops across the frozen Chesapeake and surprised the Brits in Delaware are gone.
  4. do you average more snow than Pittsburgh?
  5. I hope you guys mid and upper shore cash in. hoping to see a coating here. any snow is good snow
  6. I'm issuing a yellow alert. could be a lil sumin sumin down here
  7. never look a snow map straight in the eyes. take a quick glance get a sense of it and move on
  8. can someone please re post Stromtracker's hitler video again. I need a laugh
  9. Cape, what are the odds right now eastern peeps see snow before Feb?
  10. I am always playing with house money down here so whatever will be will be
  11. are you being held captive in your profile pic?
  12. man, I knew I should have put masturbation on my winter bingo card
  13. can we add a rage room where we can insult each other with like "you momma so fat" jokes
  14. I'm just here for the free drugs apparently being handed out
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