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Everything posted by Lowershoresadness

  1. living by the beach is a blessing unless you're a weirdo snow lover like us then it's a curse
  2. marginal events don't even come close to producing snow down this way. I need the air mass that's currently in Siberia to have a chance
  3. anyone know when Salisbury last had over an inch of snow? no joke just wondering
  4. it just sucks when it hasn't snowed in awhile. it sucks even more during a pandemic because there isn't shit to do. just give us something to track for awhile
  5. Never, I repeat never bring this up again
  6. I'm worried about this untreated rash
  7. I had a dream that it snowed 22 inches but I was 80 years old and instead of joy I was annoyed and needed my diaper changed
  8. indeed, I've seen way too many "weenie patterns" sh*t the bed down here
  9. the Cleveland Browns are Mid Atlantic weather
  10. had a dusting on Tilghman island earlier and now have a dusting in the bury
  11. just saw a flake.............never mind it was a mosquito
  12. when you live in an area that see's little snow you appreciate the times it snows just a little bit more. I would never move just to increase snow. I get what I get and I'm at peace with that
  13. my snow spidey senses are tingling, you know what that means.............cold rain is coming
  14. was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!
  15. I just want a 2 foot blizzard. What's so hard about that? I'm tired of chicken manure out performing snow
  16. run around inside. thermals plus pressure drop = shrinkage
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