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Everything posted by MillvilleWx

  1. '83 was a very dynamic storm. Very heavy snow over MD, DC and NoVa during the height with thundersnow across the area. It was a moisture bomb, so the snow consistency was a bit on the wet side, but it was a higher ratio at its height when best lift was centered over the area. My Father told me he ended up with 23" at the end of the storm with over a foot in a 4 hour span. Thundersnow woke him up and visibility was below 100 yards at one point. Great storm. You should go read up on it. One of the best the area has had in last 50 years.
  2. That record precip value in 1983 was not rain either
  3. Over 12" now in Millville, DE down to Selbyville. Looks like another 2-5" possible before calling it quits later. Awesome storm for the shore!
  4. My dad just sent me video from the area your located. Visibility around 300-500' at best. Crazy band that went through earlier had to be 2-3"/hr. Enjoy!!
  5. Hey y'all. Just checking in. Looks like best storm of the year for everyone in the sub-sub forum. After looking at everything, thought I'd pop in and give a call on totals. Thinking southern MD around St Mary's will see 4-8" with local to 10" if we get decent band or 2. Areas down toward Somerset and up to Salisbury will be in 5-10" with local of 12". The coast is where I'd want to be. Va Beach and Norfolk should hit 7-12" with local to 15". This line will run up to Assateague and OC, MD to southern Delaware in Sussex Co. Local blizzard conditions possible along the coast from Norfolk up to OC Inlet. Might not get full Blizzard Warning criteria met, but could be close. We shall see. Def a great storm with fluffy type snow so it will stack quicker than normal. Enjoy the storm!!
  6. Dad in Millville, DE reporting over 2" of snow with some nice bands heading into southern DE. Enjoy guys!! Glad y'all can cash in
  7. I'm with you there. Supposed to go to Caps game on Friday. I'm hoping for a stone cold crushing in DC so it gets canceled. That would be brutal to travel in coming from my way.
  8. It's gonna be a roller coaster ride and a half that's for sure. Hopefully you can post in this thread at weeks end with deck pics and the little one playing in snow up to her chest
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