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Everything posted by MillvilleWx

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Should be okay, but you'll want to re-season it most likely.
  2. @dailylurker You are absolutely over 10" with these final bands. They are kind of training over us at the moment.
  3. Still getting hit by bands, but just went and measured and we are officially over the 10" mark for the storm! 10.2" and counting. What a storm for the AA Lowlands. First double digit event since I was in Taos, NM for New Years Eve/New Years 2020-21. It's perfect out
  4. Man, the missing comma strikes again
  5. I'm excited to measure myself. It's really nice out
  6. Slept through part of the UL love, but looks like a band or two will still get to me. Going to take a final measurement once it's over as I work night shift remote again. I'm happy many are cashing with the next round. I was truly hoping this would be a closed bowling ball so everyone can sing kumbaya, but this will still work. Any snow is good snow for me. Enjoy y'all!!
  7. A picture from from earlier. It’s been such a great snow day for these parts. Didn’t think I could get these goods at 16ft elevation lol
  8. Steady light to bordering moderate snow now. Massive flakes with this little round. This is likely the initial stages of the vort approaching. This is pretty awesome! Picture to come
  9. Just under 12” from my parents 6 miles west-southwest of Rehoboth Beach, DE. They were hammered for several hours this morning.
  10. Touch better rates, but still light. It’s like a snow globe out there now. Flakes are noticeably larger too. Pretty
  11. Yeah. Likely going to be pretty light in the accums dept. Needed that energy to close off for something appreciable. All things considered, there will be some nice flake sizes with it. Pretty excited to just see that right now.
  12. Measured a bit earlier shortly after my last post. A touch over 8” up here. Call it 8.1” Light snow continuing but not really adding up to much. More mood snow. Hopefully ULL can hit 1-2” here to put as near or at double digits. Good storm for the low lands!
  13. I’d like to do a post-mortem when this is all said and done, but I think some of the ideas of the, “Why?” for this event have great merit. Just woke up. Going to go measure, but I’m sure it’s compacted a bit now. Still got hammered pretty good in these parts. It’s a winter wonderland outside.
  14. That’s a pretty good storm in those parts. And the deep freeze behind it, it’s not going anywhere for a while. Incredible
  15. Official 8am Measurement 6.4” Hourly was 6.8” so a little compaction occurring. Heavy snow at the moment and just coming down in droves. About to head to bed here shortly. I’ll see you guys for round 2!
  16. Man, what a glorious walk that was. It started out as a light snow but flakes started to get larger as I was walking. Then the rates picked up and it was like the sky vomited as I turned back into the neighborhood after walking down Mayo road with not a soul in sight. Im going to measure here shortly one last time as I am starting to run out of gas. Still got more shifts in the next few nights, so need to get some rest. This is a glorious storm for the lowlanders of AA county and the eastern shore. Measurement incoming!
  17. About to go for a Jebwalk in this monster band heading into Edgewater. Man am I glad I'm back on the east coast
  18. Thanks Scott!! Been a solid event so far. No complaints here
  19. I'm not totally sure, but my guess is no. Flow seems to take everything east or east-northeast, so that's probably where they stay.
  20. Yeah. It’s really pounding now and there’s no sign of it stopping. I think you and I break 10” for round 1. Things you love to see….IT
  21. This is the zone that the RAP/HRRR and a few other CAMs have been highlighting for the best axis of persistent heavy snow from multiple bands rolling through. There’s a good chance totals are 6-10” from round 1 inside this oval with a few lucky people possibly pushing 12” before round 2 later. Lowland AA county people, this is where we can rack up a good amount of snow the next 4-6 hrs before things settle down. Vamos!
  22. 630am measurement 5.5" 25.7/25.2 1.1" past hour. Getting above 6" before sunrise is a lock with these rates
  23. Ayyyy awesome!! Looks like this will continue for another 4-6 hrs before scaling back, so lets keep racking it up!
  24. 530am measurement 4.4" 25.7/25.4 A little under an inch per hour that last go around. Makes sense on radar as we lifted outside the better bands we had earlier. It's coming back with a vengeance now and flake size is improving as I type. Radar to the southwest and west-southwest look fantastic. Should be able to hit 6" before sunrise at this rate and I didn't record a single flake until 1:20am, so 4 hrs and change of almost 4.5". Not bad!
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