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About MillvilleWx

  • Birthday 07/18/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Edgewater, MD 21037

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  1. The fact we verified some of the insane totals the models were spitting out for days still blows my mind to this day. It was truly a marvel.
  2. Well, ended up getting the tooth extraction yesterday afternoon and so far so good on the pain front. Just the standard post surgery pain. Ice and ibuprofen my bff’s. Resting. I’ll be back to normal soon enough. It did end up being a fractured tooth below the gum line that helped cause an infection. Got the tooth out and cleaned out the infection. On antibiotics for 7 days to clear it out completely from my system. Side note, nitrous oxide is some damn good stuff. Between that really good numbing, I felt asbsolutely nothing during the surgery. Probably the most relaxed I’ve been in over a month. Incredible.
  3. Man, I’m glad I saw that 10+” snow storm earlier this month cuz the start to this year has been absolute dogshit Rough storm today Ravens blow it Tooth needs to be extracted Grandmother dies Some other personal stuff Just freakin awful. My God. I hope the rest of the year is better.
  4. All snow in Edgewater. Monster flakes after multiple rounds of heavy sleet mixed with snow.
  5. Absolutely dumping sleet and wet snow in Edgewater. This is the window for the lowlands. Should end well for the few hours it comes down. 34/32
  6. Well, temps aside, the radar looks semi decent right now for what is expected. Final forecast does have some revisions down based on thermals NW of I-95: 2.5-5” max of 6” further north Along & SE of I-95: 1-3” South of I-66 Latitude: 0.5-2” Northern Neck Eastern Shore: 1-3” Sterling did a good job handling this one. The thermals ended up being RGEM like pre-storm despite it being incorrect on the SLP evolution. Hopefully I’m wrong, but this isn’t trending towards a good result unless we get absolutely blasted this afternoon. HRRR has been keeping this low key for several runs now which looks like it may end up being right. Globals were too cold at onset and skewed everything too snowy. Mouth still in minor pain. Just going to sit back and watch football and hopefully a good 2-3 hr snow period later in the lowlands. Good luck everyone.
  7. Could probably use Zelle Phone #: (281) 330-8004
  8. Temp really crashed during this period of radiational cooling. 31/29 currently
  9. Well, went to an emergency dentist visit and found out my issue for the mouth pain. Fractured back right tooth on the bottom. It is under the gum line too, so without an X-Ray, there was no chance to know. Have to get the tooth extracted on Monday. At least I know the issue, even though it sucks. Hate mouth pain stuff
  10. Be on the lookout for falling iguanas after your rain
  11. Forecast high of 45 only made it to 41. It’s currently 40/35 and cloudy.
  12. This forecast sounds extremely familiar….
  13. Yup. I look at all the models like everyone here, but unless there’s some significant agreement within the ensembles and eventual hi-res, I will still go with the more trusted deterministic output than outliers. I haven’t wavered from my forecast for that very reason. Can’t be living and dying by every model run.
  14. Reston is one of those tricky areas right in the dividing line of my typical main zones. I’d say 2-4” with upside potential 5” is probably a decent forecast for that area. There’s a little boom potential with this one for areas that stay all snow through the event, so it’ll be something to monitor.
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