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Cold Rain

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Everything posted by Cold Rain

  1. I'd like a large order of E5, please. Dining in.
  2. Look at all that blocking up and down the east coast!
  3. There's more legit whining about posters than legit whining about the pattern in the pattern thread. If somebody can post a 384 hr prog of a super block to justify the likelihood of a 384 hr super block, then there's no logical reason why someone else can't post a 384 hr prog of a death ridge to justify the likelihood of a 384 hr death ridge without folks jumping in their shorts. Obviously, the 100000000!1!1!1!11 % January is toast posts are ridiculous.
  4. Cold Rain

    Sig Pix

    Signature Pictures
  5. It's the evil feature that sits over the SE or off the SE coast that prevents our cold and snow. We don't want it. Bad. Most of the time in a -PNA pattern (troughing along the west coast), you get a ridge in the SE. By the way, I've also added the TWC Classics site to the Misc. section in my earlier post.
  6. Thank you sir. I bookmarked it too, because, like Buckeye, I have to redo my favorites on my work machine from time to time. For some reason, we have trouble upgrading technology.
  7. No worries. I went back and edited my post to now include all of the links that people sent. It's all organized in one post: It's in Post 68 on Page 2 of this thread.
  8. Sure thing. Fine by me. Is there a way to put all the links in one post? I was thinking that after giving enough time for folks to post their favorite links, I would compile and organize them in my first post in this thread. But I'm up for whatever folks think is best and would be most helpful. And would someone please add Dacula's site? I'm not at my computer and it's a great resource that should be added.
  9. Great sites guys. Thanks a lot. I was looking for that wind map Stove! I used to have a link for it but I lost it.
  10. With the winter season fully underway, I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread that could contain links for the various websites that provide weather data, such as model guidance, climate data and research, weather blogs and commentary, etc. I have seen several requests in various threads for this kind of data (I have made some myself) over the past few days, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread we could link to. If this compilation already exisits, please feel free to delete this thread and point me to the correct place. Otherwise, hopefully, this will turn out to be a helpful resource. Please post your favorite websites with a brief description, if you are so inclined. I use the following: Model Guidance: PSU eWall (GFS, NAM, EURO, CMC, UKMET, DGEX, SREF): http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~fxg1/ewall.html Earl Barker's Model Page (JMA): http://wxcaster.com/models_main.htm Instant Weather Maps: http://www.instantweathermaps.com/ Canadian Model Center: http://weather.gc.ca/model_forecast/index_e.html European Model Center (Euro and Euro Ensemble Mean): http://www.ecmwf.int/ NCEP (American Model Center): http://mag.ncep.noaa.gov/NCOMAGWEB/appcontroller/ Rap Model: http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/model/index.php?model=gfs CFSv2: http://origin.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/people/wwang/cfsv2fcst/ Unisys Weather: http://weather.unisys.com/ HRRR Model: http://rapidrefresh.noaa.gov/HRRR/ Twister Data: http://www.twisterdata.com/ College of DuPage Weather Lab: http://weather.cod.edu/forecast/ Weather Underground (Forecast maps and Obs): http://www.wunderground.com/ CPC Data (Indexes and Outlooks) Index Data (AO, NAO, PNA, MJO): http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/pna/pna_index_ensm.shtml CPC Outlooks: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/ Other NWS Sites: Weather Prediction Center: http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/ Storm Prediction Center: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/ National Hurricane Center: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ NWS Home Page (find your WFO here): http://www.weather.gov/ Hydrologic Prediction Service (Rainfall info): http://www.water.weather.gov/precip/ Aviation Weather Center (Satellite Imagry): http://aviationweather.gov/adds/satellite/ Other Obs and Data Sites: Cool Weather: http://coolwx.com/ The Burkfit Warehouse (Meteogram Generator and GFS and NAM text output): http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/bufkit/data/ MeteoStar: http://wxweb.meteostar.com/ Wind Data (Surface): http://hint.fm/wind/ Wind Data (Upper Levels): http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/500hPa/orthographic=-99.29,49.14,605 Blogs/Commentary: Hurricane Track: http://hurricanetrack.com/ Matthew East (Charlotte area): http://mattheweast.blogspot.com/ WxSouth (Robert Gamble): www.wxsouth.com WxRisk (DT): www.wxrisk.com Kirk Mellish (Atlatna area): http://www.wsbradio.com/weblogs/kirk-mellishs-weather-commentary/ Weather Bell (Joe Bastardi Saturday Summary -- free): http://www.weatherbell.com/ WxJordan: www.wxjordan.com Miscellaneous Sites: Solar Data: http://www.solarham.net/ Airport Codes: http://www.world-airport-codes.com/ Bear Paws (Tropical Weather page): http://www.bearpawsweather.com/tropical/index.html Weather Pick-up Lines: http://www.weather.funnelfiasco.com/pickup_lines.html Weather Learning Tools: http://www.theweatherprediction.com/ TWC Classics: http://www.twcclassics.com/ I know that there are many other resources that you all can recommend. I only included the ones I use the most and that are free. Also, I didn't include any Facebook or Twitter pages (feel free to post those). Please post your recommendations as well. PDO, QBO, Wind data, other good model, blog, or research sites would be helpful.
  11. Agreed! I found WWBB via an internet search and then found Eastern from there. Of course, I found American as a result of that. I also looked at the Almanac and Accuweather boards, but they sort of sucked.
  12. I would also add: 1) Please list your location in your profile so when you are discussing your area, we know where your area is. 2) Don't post obs in the discussion thread. 3) Don't post full length NWS discussions or other lengthy commentary in the discussion thread...just post the relevant parts (i.e. if we're talking about a storm in the 5+ day time frame, don't post the near term part of the discussion).
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