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Cold Rain

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Everything posted by Cold Rain

  1. Sweet! All these people keep coming by my desk acting like I'm actually working. Just because I'm sitting at my desk after 5 doesn't mean I'm working, people! I wonder if Brick got his work done today in between internet browsing? I wonder if he spends all of his weekly allotted internet time in one day or if he spreads it out throughout the week?
  2. The Le Car is in the parking deck in a prominent spot. People love it!
  3. Whatever the QBO is, you can rest assured that it will be in the worst possible state or moving into the worst possible state. And on the off chance that it is neither in the worst possible state nor moving into the worst possible state, the atmosphere will act like it is in the worst possible state or moving into the worst possible state. The QBO is all that matters from now on. I don't care what anybody's winter forecast is next year. If the QBO is bad, the party is over. Yeah, of course. In two weeks, the flow will be straight out of Michigan.
  4. I'm sitting here at work. Hopefully, the wife is on the way to pick me up. It would be a long walk to McGregor Village in Cary!
  5. That's unheard of this day and age. Hopefully, as the Sun goes quiet, we'll start to see more cold spells. We need to get Phil some snow down his way. This is shaping up to be one of the worst winters for me. I bet the Weeklies take a YUGE dump tonight. Watch.
  6. Man, it would be nice to get into a solid 2 week cold pattern. Why is that so hard anymore?
  7. lol I admire your optimism! And Burns has lost his marbles. Too much snow!!
  8. Gottfried should be fired before he gets back to Raleigh.
  9. See, this is what I mean. Gottfried can recruit, but he isn't a good coach. He never has his teams prepared to play the big game. They're a street ball team. It's why we could have the number one recruiting class year after year and never be more than mediocre. We don't improve mentally or fundamentally.
  10. This is the Sanitarium good sir! Metldowns are allowed and even encouraged!
  11. Ha I have no excuse...other than usually watching the snow line set up over or west of me. I used to live in Rocky Mount. We were always on the line. Then, we moved to Asheville. All good. Then, we moved to Burlington. Always on the line there too. Then, I moved to Raleigh. The line followed me here. All that, and I'm a State fan to boot. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is fairly commonplace under those circumstances.
  12. My money's on the latter. But at least up that way, there was enough to be able to do some sledding.
  13. I don't know how much he got, but I am sure it underperformed his expectations.
  14. Im sure he's fine, but just gets so offended when you try to be realistic about snowfall totals here. I don't understand it.
  15. Anybody heard from the Brickster? Is he doing ok? Trish, you and BigWeather should post more! Glad we at least got to see some flakes fall. Hopefully, more to come this winter.
  16. Yup, I can see that. Are they playing tonight? Have they decided?
  17. The results sucked for many of us. But chasing this with you guys was still a lot of fun. And I'm looking forward to the next one. Outside of snow coming down, it's my favorite part of winter. And as far as the Pack goes, they're never going to be better than average, outside of a fluke, flash in the pan season. I don't watch much anymore. No need to waste the time. That said, this team is pretty fun to watch, when they play right. Dennis Smith Jr. is the man.
  18. The won't. Not a chance. We lose by at least 13.
  19. Just no. Absolutely and categorically not even close.
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