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Everything posted by YetAnotherRDUGuy

  1. Consensus in storm thread starting to build demanding that ColdRain lower his snow shields. Who's got the pitchforks??
  2. If Fishel ever retires, I'm not sure what some of us would discuss instead.
  3. Are you a bama fan or SC fan? Goodness almighty---Clemson got manhandled tonight.
  4. I'm starting to think Clemson's chances of coming back are the same chances of this latest storm trending further towards central SC/NC.
  5. Yea it was marginally better. I bet the 00z Zulu will be a miss. But we all know it tends to lose the storm at days 5-7 anyway.
  6. Phases too late. Jackpots Wilmington. We just get virga. But you should see what it does around day 7!
  7. I admit we account for quite a bit of the posts in here, but technically it looks like we can thank one of our Virginia posters for this thread's existence.
  8. That would be a first. Then maybe people would be snow chasing to Waycross! Lolz. I'm glad you posted it. Sometimes we need the equivalent of a sobering smack in the face in order to set expectations.
  9. This might be one of the most depressing snowfall maps I've ever seen posted on these boards.
  10. Maybe we should all pitch in $20 to buy a decent snow machine. Then we can take turns sharing it. Course then we’d endlessly fight on who gets to use it and when. But still--might be the best chance for some of us to get snow with this pattern!
  11. Sigh. That looks so beautiful! You know what? Me taking the bait was worth it just to see this image. The fact it was taken in early/mid December makes it oh so sweet!
  12. I'm still snickering at the term "apps rubber", like a friggin teenager.
  13. Almost as funny as this one. Just outside of High Point...
  15. Drat! I knew I shouldn't have taken the bait--and yet I did anyhow. Lesson learned.
  16. Alright, I'll take that bait... Who in the SE has had more snow than normal for a typical winter? S Miss? Louisana? HAHAHA. You know what? In a month, no one will remember that you deleted an entire thread--and all will be forgiven!
  17. When the sanitarium/banter thread is getting as much action as the main threads, you know we're in trouble.
  18. I think RainCold mentioned this earlier. In past years we've had similar patterns where we get a lot of cold air that works against us by suppressing anything from giving us a decent storm (outside of extreme southern and coastal areas). But even when this happens, there's usually the threat of a clipper or three barreling down from Alberta that threatens to throw down an inch or two. They almost never work out on our side of the mountains, but still---it's usually something to track just as a possibility. There hasn't been a single mention of clippers yet in this rather suppressed pattern. Is there something different about this pattern compared to previous years, or are they just not being modeled yet?
  19. Done. Now to look forward to the Panthers/Falcons game this weekend. I heard its got "ramifications".
  20. We're supposed to be venting about the weather in this thread. Not the moderators!
  21. I'm just happy there's an event warranting it's own thread this early in the season. It's the little things.
  22. Too bad you're not still in Asheville or Burlington. They both made out like bandits for this storm. All things considered, I love living in this area. The only two things I'm not a fan of are traffic, and less snow--neither of which I can do anything about. I know the traffic will only get worse over time, but there's still hope of the snow trend reversing itself. Maybe. There's always hope...right??
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