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Everything posted by YetAnotherRDUGuy

  1. I read the same forecast as you, and actually took it as a good sign since RAH usually doesn't forecast temps that low 6+ days in advance. Now watch to see if they introduce chance of precip in the next 24 hours. (doesn't matter what type yet, baby steps)
  2. Here to pile on. That might be one of the worst(if not THE worst) non calls in a pivotal part of a playoff game I've ever seen. I honestly think the Saints would have won if the refs hadn't blown it. On another note, not nearly as cold at KC as they were thinking earlier last week. Instead of single digits, it's just in the teens. Still not too shabby, but nothing like the epic cold it could have been there.
  3. If this happened today, someone here in N Wake would be in the Sanitorium complaining about only getting 14''.
  4. Can't wait to see what happens Sunday. Starting to see some articles about the weather in Kansas City for the game. NWS currently calling a high of 11, and low of 5. Game starts at 6:40pm, which means single digits are likely. I'm sure Brady and the Patriots are used to it, as well as most of the Chiefs. But I wonder about Mahomes. Has he ever played in vodka cold?
  5. Frank Deal was one of the greats. I loved his enthusiasm for weather, and I felt like he really influenced the other young mets that worked for him in the late 80's/early 90's. One of those was Van Denton, who obviously took over after he retired. The other was a young Eric Chilton, who went on to become the head met at WFMY. I'm not sure if WGHP was just as good as WFMY was back in those days--despite what the ratings might have been. Also, RIP Frank Deal.
  6. I second Calc's suggestions. Really anywhere in the Triad would be a good place to consider. Easy drive within 2 hrs and rental costs aren't too pricey. Burlington and Roxboro are good suggestions too. They are closer, and tend to do better than RDU more often than not for winter weather (see the early Dec storm for example).
  7. You know it's bad for the Triangle if Widre isn't commenting in the storm thread.
  8. Based on current trends (and NWS forecasts), I think you're good. In Raleigh and Richmond, precip isn't expected to start until after 6pm. Raleigh looks to be liquid when it starts. Richmond might be frozen, but if you leave at 130pm, you should get there before being overly concerned about it. Sat night (especially overnight) in Richmond might be a different story..
  9. For the Triangle, I'm kinda glad this trended badly for us at 3-4 days before the event rather than the day before. (or the day of, which is the absolute worst) It could always trend back. But I doubt it. Seems like when a storm starts trending mostly liquid at this stage, it's pretty much a given that's what we'll get.
  10. Thank you sir. Will be interesting to see what happens for both teams before their rematch in a month. Our conference looks brutal at the top this year.
  11. It's funny how Keatts wasn't the 1st choice, but was likely the best choice. (We'll likely know for sure about 3 years from now) I agree you finally got what you were looking for. Oh Gottfried. He sure could talk the talk. Talented enough to score an upset or two in the NCAA's, and land some top recruits. Then they would mysteriously transfer.
  12. You poor soul. I feel extremely fortunate my Heels got the win. We hit a lot of shots, and controlled the boards, which made up for the turnovers. I'm not confident about the rematch in CH in a few weeks. FWIW, State's got a different vibe since Keatts took over. I feel like this is a guy that can build a program (and I never got that sense from Lowe or Gottfried). It's too bad ya'll hung on to Gottfried for as long as you did. Every offseason, it seemed like at least 2 players would transfer out. Now it looks like players are transferring in.
  13. I don't think I've ever seen Bama get embarrassed like that. Congrats Clemson.
  14. I will not vent about anyone venting in this venting thread. Repeating this to myself over and over.
  15. This map is absolutely brutal. Spartanburg gets 10-12, while Greenville gets 2-4.. I see the dusting-2 you referenced. I'd be bitter as sin if that happened to me. Much less multiple events. I hereby walk back my earlier comment on whining, and now realize I have no idea how SC climo works in the upstate.
  16. I'm sorry man. I had no idea. I don't pretend to be an expert on SC climo, but I know enough to be genuinely surprised by this. Not even Feb 2014?? Actually I took a quick glance at that, and it looks like that was E of you. Nor Jan 96? Not even 93? Ugh
  17. Alright folks, I was a little harsh on that post. Lesson learned. From now on, no venting about people venting in the venting thread.
  18. A lot of whining for an event in early friggin December. Fuquay is always jealous of Raleigh. Which is envious of Durham ( in regards to snow—not anything else) which is jealous of Hillsborough and Roxboro, and Burlington,which in turn—is envious of GSO. Of which, the gate city is envious of WS, which is usually jealous of Wilkesboro, of whom typically looks to Boone and wishes their snow totals were more like theirs: This applies to locales in SC as well—along with pretty much anything related to weather, and a lot of things that aren’t. TL;Dr, if your mad, reset your expectations, and realize that chances are—someone is going to have more snow than you most of the time. Also, I respect kvegas for speaking his mind about not wanting a foot of snow and in the future. Even though I completely disagree with the entire point he was trying to make. The fact that someone in the SE may actually be pulling AGAINst getting a foot of snow makes me reconsider the entire fabric of what makes our universi functional.
  19. Yea, I'd gladly trade locales with you right about now. One of these days, Kvegas has to be the sweet spot, right? Maybe this is the ONE. You know--the one footer+.. Best of luck over there.
  20. I guess we'll know if the WSW was necessary within the next 18 hours or so.. On another note, I told my little one just now the same thing about getting out in the snow early tomorrow. But instead of cold rain, I warned her about how sleet feels when pinging off your face.
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