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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Back to sleet/rain mix. About an inch of new snow. Think that may be it....you can see the surge pushing north on the CC
  2. Wow man! Thats great....only about .5" here. All sleet now. Traffic cams just west of HGR are pretty impressive.
  3. Heavy snow. Roads getting pretty bad. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
  4. Heavier precip is all snow. Really coming down right now.
  5. I'm glad I look at the overnight runs before coming in here. Things look generally the same as they did yesterday when everyone was riding high.... If the gfs op showed a blizzard at hour 336 the vibe would be completely different...which is ridiculous, imo.
  6. GEFS get ridging into GL by D4 and really goes to town by D8 thru the rest of the run. Great look in the LR with lower heights in the 50/50 region and a PAC parade set to undercut
  7. Verbatim, that would put me 15" above climo. So, if not another flake fell I would end the season roughly at 150% snowfall for the season. Perspective....and one KU sends me to 200%.... I hear what you are saying tho....a lot of talk about historic type stuff. Still on the table imo.
  8. Steady light snow....33/30 Took the drone up for a snow flight.... Looking east. South Mountain shrouded in snow. Pleasant Valley. Looking south.
  9. I liked the look of 00z in the LR a little better. Looked more like the description USAF just posted....Any other year we would be excited and it's not a bad look....just more of a cold/dry look imo.
  10. Some interesting responses to this tweet. I agree, there will be some great blocking shown tonight on the weeklies. I would also think once the reversal at the lowest levels is actually starting to occur.... we will see models start to strengthen the NAO block like the weeklies show.
  11. Exactly my thoughts looking at the Euro op run. Even areas that stay right around freezing get up to 32/33 sat before the storm. Great if we have dews in the low teens but dews are in the upper 20's. That is where the handling of the CAD comes into play. Just lower dews into the lower 20's and its and ice storm for somebody in the western areas.
  12. Would someone mind posting the link to the FV3 (ducks) Sorry, I know it's been posted 1000 times.
  13. That look of the western ridge “falling over “ the top of an ull looks familiar. Not saying this will continue to trend but have seen it more than once this season. Maybe a more progressive ridge can help deflect that lobe of the pv and keep a separation?
  14. Regarding the next two storms and how they relate to the pattern we ultimately want....HM has a nice recent thread.
  15. Ok thank....was just curious. I like their graphics and see that they offer full Euro options as well. What used to be a cheap hobby is slowly evolving into a money machine for some outlets. Ha! Oh well....I guess I could have more expensive hobbies.
  16. Off topic....How do you like True Weather? Great UKMET graphics.....
  17. 6 at the house this morning when I left at about 6am. Not quite a mile away and up a little in elevation the temp was 22. Really one of the most unique scenes this morning along the creek. Steam/fog had coated all the trees hanging over the creek. Hard to put into words but I have never seen anything like it locally.
  18. Funny....the coldest air I have ever experienced was in VT. 12 hours before the blizzard of 96 I was leaving Killington trying to beat the snow home. Bank clock in Rutland read -29. Once I hit Reading PA is was a serious white knuckler all the way to FDK.
  19. It really looks like the damage is done and we will end up on the cold/snowy side of this SSW event. Just an impressive evolution to watch unfold over the past few weeks. Just took a look at the weeklies individual days. 1 day out of the next 46 has heights neutral/normal....and that was at the end of feb. most day are highly impressive. We asked for this...lol No turning back now! I love it....
  20. The first time i have seen the EPS agree with the gefs on a stout -NAO. Usually if the gefs show it in the LR the EPS is washed out...Signs we are heading that way in D10+ eta: well, maybe not the first time but its the first time this season
  21. 4.25" for the WAA part and 4.5" for the coastal. Total 8.75" with .57" melted value. 15" on the season so far.
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