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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Small shifts mean a lot in this setup but the only shift I really saw was the precip shield and strength of cold push from the N. The slp tracks right along the NC/VA boarder. A money track for keeping what cold is around in place.
  2. The weenie run may not be over....Too far out to take serious but D10 may be #4
  3. I can see how this could evolve....Either a more consolidated system or maybe another long duration event. I mean look at this weekend. Even if we fail Sat/Sun the changes over the past 48 hours at h5 are nothing short of dramatic.
  4. Out there in time with having two systems ahead of it but there is a serious CAD leading into the system next week.
  5. Just had a burst of heavy sleet come thru with a heavier band. A bit surprising....holding steady at 32.4 and trees are still accumulating ice. Power has flickered a few times...
  6. Tough to tell for sure but the s/w is pretty much in the same spot as 0z just a little stronger/more defined. Everything else looks the same...would be similar to 0z track but maybe a bit stronger surface low. Just a guess...I hate extrapolating!
  7. Just an obs so fwiw....06z euro has a bit more vigorous s/w at hr 90 compared to 00z. Surface reflection is about the same. Certainly looks poised to slide under us....
  8. How about that -23.34 SOI today! Eoro has a pretty major ice storm again for next week. Over 1" qpf with temps well below freezing....especially NW of 95. A slightly colder version of yesterday's 12z run.
  9. Same here.. .5" new. Of course returns lift N of me as soon as I flip to snow. Not sure we can hang onto a cold column until more steady precip arrives...
  10. Agreed. Maybe someone has found a set of variables that would create a pattern of trough west/SE ridge even with a P8-1 MJO. That would be an awesome find. As we know, nothing is a guarantee in this business....and a P8-1 does not guarantee anything. .... but the correlation to a good winter pattern for the east is very high whether we are nino or not and that means a lot imo.
  11. Agree completely with the bolded... At 10mb things are cooling and consolidating to a certain extent but we are still very weak as you progress down to 50mb. I think the strat is comparable to Cohen's theory on snow advance....It wouldnt get this much play if there wasn't something to it. The complexities and slight differences in development/progression...other drivers, can make them fools gold but also reliable tools. The beauty of seasonal forecasting is it's still in its infancy....
  12. Fine...But, he hasnt given any hints as to what his analogs/research has shown. Unless I have missed it. I admit I didnt dig into his feed to see if he has. He is obviously keying on the weak PV....I just wish I knew what years he has as a comparison....are they ninos? MJO similarities etc...
  13. Another long duration light snow event on the euro. We like them this winter.
  14. 34dbz overhead....mod/hvy dendrites 30/27
  15. Same here...just measured 1". Steady mod snow falling 30/27
  16. Smaller flake size but still hvy snow. 31/27
  17. Absolute rippage....looks to be somewhat temporary but it sure is impressive outside right now.
  18. Solid coating on all surfaces. Mod/hvy snow. 32/26
  19. You are correct and so is WVclimo.... Def not a live shot. But....I click on the same cam and it shows the same shot. No snow out this way as of yet...something bogus with that cam.
  20. If you could make another post in roughly 30 min about your backyard rain forecast...that would be awesome! j/k
  21. You know, I really dont follow it often....I have no educated response. I do know that NEMD has trended better while other areas have held serve or trended worse. 18z Mon to 18z Tue is still evolving imo..
  22. Seems like NMD from fdk county eastward has evolved as models are figuring out that second surge of CAD. It has had a tendency to hold on longer as you get toward NEMD the last few runs. Temp spiked to 36 a while ago but has dropped to 34 as clouds have thickened....
  23. I know it has been modeled for a few days but that second surge of CAD is a bit of a wildcard, imo. Models have a tough enough time predicting a CAD situation...now they have to predict 2 in a 24 hr period. I think this alone keeps the door open for upside. Looks to occur right as the second wave approaches...Doesnt hold it's ground but certainly long enough for a good thump if rates come in heavy.
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