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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. FV3 is a gnat's hair from a euro result. As is it's a powder keg with a damp fuse and just doesnt line up perfectly. A little speed adjustment...faster n/s or slower s/s and boom.
  2. ....Sun angle argument is played out like Kwame and them f'n polka dots
  3. Amazing, isnt it. We've walked backwards...blindfolded...kicking, screaming and complaining into a climo + season. If it weren't for the huge preseason snow forecasts we would be already claiming victory. Instead we are complaining about 4-6" events.
  4. Much better mean on the EPS for the d10-13 than 0z. Deeper dig with the trough and some signs of it going neg a few frames later.
  5. Man, you ain't lyin...Temps in the low/mid teens pretty much throughout. If we had a snow map...10:1 would be useless! One can dream....(prob more of a banter post)
  6. Still find it amazing that with an h5 map like this there was a forum wide warning snow event. I understand why....but still impressive.
  7. A little better signal for a coastal in the d8-10 on the 18z gefs. That EPO is going to deliver one heck of a HP....Ens mean has a 1048 high at D9. Pretty impressive for that range.
  8. Temp climbed to 30.8 without an issue. Been stuck there for the past 2 hours or so..
  9. 5.1" snow is the final....on .59" liquid. Not quite 10:1....most likely 7-8:1 with lighter rates and 10-12:1 during the big bands.
  10. 5" on the nose. Last band moving thru now....very heavy snow. Heaviest of the day.
  11. Just heard what I thought was thunder....I see some strikes up near HGR. Ripping right now 28/26 Eta: Wow! big rolling thunder 30 sec ago
  12. 1.75" between 8am and 9am. Total 3.1 so far. 28/26
  13. Havent seen rates like this in quite some time. Have to be pushing the 2"/hr range.
  14. Intense rates right now with nice dendrites....as soon as the yellows popped the flake size got much better. 28/26
  15. Letting my snow snow melt now for my report... .5" as well here. If that slug of moisture to the west can stay south enough mid/late morning could be impressive across EWV/NMD. SN 28/25
  16. Didnt expect to see these rates right off the bat....absolutely pouring snow right now.
  17. Found it...thanks. Actually, a pretty good resource....
  18. What site was that radar from? Looks like CMISS but I cant find it....COD loops are stuck at 5pm....
  19. Pretty much areawide wetter....roughly .10-.20 wetter by 18z. 10:1 is a 1-2" increase... ETA: Ninja'd...
  20. By 12z runs I hope to be sledding with the kids with a ripe ipa in my hand...computer off
  21. Precip aloft is closing in on the radar site. It's a weenie radar but the atmosphere is moistening up to our SW. A little early imo....
  22. Charleston WV radar already getting the doughnut hole look.
  23. 1035.6mb currently. 32/10 With the current radar presentation, this looks to be a fun event. Failure is always an option but the lowest bar for mby is slowly going up based on obs.
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