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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Definitely advancing eastward. Probably 60/40 rain/snow mix now. I’m sure areas around me that have a few hundred feet in elevation are getting pasted.
  2. A few very mangled flakes mixing in... Even here in the lowlands. Pouring Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
  3. 1.62” so far with the pivot occurring basically overhead. Creek is still contained within its banks but sounds like a freight train. Another 6” of water rise and it will start to flood the lowest areas of the yard.
  4. Looks like Jan 2016 radar loop. Can even see the dry slot moving up the Ches and the band starting develop just west of the BR. Sure would have been a fun cold storm....
  5. Dude, your posts are not uber informative but they are better than 50% of the posts on here. I agree..post where you want to post as long as it's region relative... Never really understood the "crackdown" on out of region posting. Weird....just like this hobby I guess.
  6. Added 2 new large raised beds this season....planted 3 additional fruit trees as well. Trying a new approach to our veg beds this year....starting to design a more sustainable layout that will use the old wood from around the property as compost and water retention.
  7. Hope you consulted with peeps from Baltimore that live below sea level before starting this thread. I just need to know whether it's cool to discuss or not. I'll just wait until we get word... Fingers crossed! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
  8. It really was a beautiful scene this morning. Not much snow but the valley fog and sun rising was pretty cool.
  9. .8" as a final. .6" came in about an hour from med/large pillows. Beautiful while it lasted...
  10. Struggling here in the creek valley. About an inch so far....33/32
  11. Seems like my obs are about an hour behind yours. Just getting a slushy coating on everything now....seems to be a slow but steady increase in rates. 34/31 lt/mod snow falling
  12. No stickage yet but temp is starting to fall 37 --> 36 now. Rates starting to pick up a bit.
  13. A bit drier air than I expected in N MD and S PA. Dews in the low 20's upper teens. DP just dropped to 25 here in the past few minutes. I havent been paying attention to what models have been forecasting but I did take a look at the 3k yesterday and the lowest dp predicted was 28 at HGR.
  14. 35/26 Traffic cams show flakes falling all along 68 to just east of Cumberland. Current wet-bulbs
  15. 12z GFS is 6mb stronger as the low exits the cost just south of the VA/NC line. Would think this is a pos trend (if it continues) for areas that are right on that line. I could see how a uniform 3-6" falls regardless of location. MBY will most likely be all snow but areas SE of me have a chance at a real changeover and thump being closer to the better dynamics of a strengthening low. eta: FV3 with a 994 now
  16. Absolutely...Last cut of the fall is the shortest cut of the year. Seeing grass blades through the snow is the worst.
  17. Hey, 2 out 3 ain't bad. I feel like we have thru the 6z runs to keep trending...typically, I would say its too late to expect anything drastic but with the way it has trended over the past 12 hours who knows...
  18. Similar to HRDPS....as Loseto noted. This phase is def still trending.... @wvclimo will like these trends
  19. The Euro is on its on here with how it amps up this system and its trajectory. Even the amp happy CMC is very close to a hit.... I dont have access to temps and snow maps for the Ukie but it's 12z run looks like most other guidance. I would think the euro comes to it's senses...not that it guarantees a hit but I dont think we see a 992 over Morgantown.
  20. Nice improvement on the euro. Much better areawide precip shield....Looks like most of the mesos that target an E/W line right through DC.
  21. I think the Euro is programmed to show a D10 threat every run.
  22. Boy, I wish I could feel confident giving you a decent "lesson" but there are others in here that would do a much better job. There are definitely some good resources online if you want to google it. I learned by forcing myself to always look at h5 vort first before the surface and then flip to the surface panels and see how it translates. After enough repetition you start to grasp it. TT is great for this because you can quickly and easily flip between runs and parameters. Others more knowledgeable in here often see small features and changes that I dont see.
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