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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Not a bad icing event ongoing here. Everything is pretty well covered....white pines starting to droop. 80/20 mod frz rain/sleet. 30/28
  2. moderate frz rain and sleet. Temp has been steady at 29.1
  3. I was just about to ask him the same thing. Would be nice to get a burst of snow with that batch before sleet takes over.
  4. Had to post something...couldn’t leave post #666 linger too long. 26/9
  5. Almost 10 days out...I am fine with the gfs. It seems to be making baby steps each run in the right direction. We have gotten rid of the GL low that was on earlier runs and now made a move toward more HP in SE Can.
  6. Yeah....Either the gfs is up to its usual games or the idea of blocking in that region is just being picked up on again as we get closer. H180 is even more robust...
  7. Dews are ridiculous sat night before precip arrives. Low single digits....
  8. Another tick in the right direction with confluence to the N....Storm looks a bit flatter through 96 as well
  9. 06z EPS with another incremental nudge in the right direction...A tick slower so will have to keep an eye on that trend as well. 06/00z
  10. yeah...much better CAD signal....stronger high that holds on longer. The clown maps are misleading I think because it slowed things down just a bit and the run ends at 144...as you noted.
  11. Too lazy to get out of bed and step out on the covered patio to experience it but I was close...lol. I agree though...I was actually laying there hoping it would chill out a little while it was at it's peak. It's rare that i'm "on edge" with with the weather.... Roaring winds and rain....
  12. I dont have any stats on the two lines that went through here but man...the house was a-rockin! I am sure it was even crazier up on the ridge tops....
  13. GFS not backing down on the mega NAO block as we near D10. A sight to see for sure.....
  14. Got it...much appreciated. So, in determining the general idea of where the split flow is....flowing, you are looking for where the height lines deviate from that uniform look?
  15. Curious...whats your take on the 06z GEFS? Same timeframe....with a more robust signal cutting under the ridge.
  16. I know PSU and Bob have mentioned this several times..But that look at the end of the EPS run with the bagginess off the west coast and a signal that the STJ is undercutting the PNA ridge is money. LR caveats and all...but man that is a nice look.
  17. 06z gfs goes bonkers over GL....Seems we are getting some consensus on a stout NAO block that fades into an EPO ridge. But, it could just end up being a ridge bridge longer than what is currently depicted. Also notice a nice uptick in hits as the the NAO fades and EPO takes over. The looks across the board have me drooling! ETA: Trough axis on the LR EPS is sweet. Starts at hr300 and hold through the end of the run.
  18. Little bit of a CAD in that image! Check out the ridging across GL at the same time...
  19. EPS at range looks great for pressing cold and not overwhelming cold. I could care less if the bay freezes over. Nice to see HP in western Can that seems to just linger while nosing SE. GEFS has pretty much the same look.
  20. A decent minor/mod event for the area....hopefully a cheap appetizer for whats to come. @WVclimo Looks like our obs match up pretty well.
  21. Looking at the EPS D10-15 members...a lot of slow moving arctic fronts with waves moving riding the fronts. Some we win and some we dont. Obviously, ens arent going to pick up on a threat like they would if we had a miller A out of the gulf. Again, reminiscent of 14/15.
  22. GEPS has the same idea at 12z...a nice improvement from an already decent 00z run. Hinting at a ridge bridge... ETA...slow typer...Bob beat me to the punch!
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