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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Planted a few blueberry bushes today and prepped areas to plant beans and snap peas. Carrots and onions are sprouting. By the time I figure out all the tricks and methods through trial and error I'll be dead. Gardening is kind of like the weather....there is no end to gaining knowledge. Anyone ever use neem oil for pest control on veggies/fruit? Hoping this will keep the slugs away this season.
  2. Shoot...I scrolled thru and dint see one. My bad....if a mod could move my post and delete this thread that would be great.
  3. We need another distraction thread other than banter.... Never started a thread but I always enjoy this one every season. There are plenty of knowledgeable folks on here that take their lawns and gardening seriously...Always great discussions and I always learn something new. Here is to a great growing season! Adding 3 raised beds this year to our existing gardens. (1) 10x10 Strawberry patch (transplanted from another garden) and potatoes/onions. (2) 4x10 that will receive various veggies. I do plan on trying out a hoop house this fall/winter on one of the 4x10 beds. Would love to continue some greens into the cold season. 10x10 is complete...starting the 4x10s today. Placed a few layers of chicken wire on the bottom to try to keep moles out of the bed...at least for a few years until it rusts and disintegrates. My oldest in a few of the pics as she is using this as a project for school.
  4. Return flow will erode pretty quick as the day wears on tomorrow. But, pretty low dews across the area at 12z sun....a little slower in pushing this drier air back north could give a little surprise to some higher elevations in counties along the MD line...
  5. We will not get back to some semblance of normalcy, stop the bleeding of America or anything else until we can blanket test anyone and everyone or....a vaccine can be administered in large numbers. Lack of being able to blanket test will be like putting out a wildfire and then putting on a blindfold and trying to put out the hotspots as they flare up...impossible to contain. Honestly, I dont know if that is even a possibility with a population of 300mil+. IMO, that is the only thing that will keep this from being a worse case scenario in human suffering and economically. It is easy to go down a rabbit hole with this whole thing...I get it and do the same thing myself at times. But, we are a strong resilient people that can adapt quicker than most will give us credit for. I liken this to experiencing the death of a loved one. In the early days of grief you are baffled and confused with how to even live life without this person...convinced life will never be "good" again and then the brain starts to process this more rationally. Before you know it you accept this new life and are content with creating happiness in this new life. We are now just in the stage of realizing the death of life as we know it...when acceptance comes, that is when we pull together in masses and blast forward toward the life we had before.
  6. 12z gfs with a WV panhandle special....Boy, it would nice to have something to track.
  7. Sorry...wrote a whole response last night and obviously didnt hit submit. Definitely, no restrictions. And, it is a business that can continue to operate while keeping the whole social distancing thing intact.
  8. This whole work from home thing.... I have a business that employs 24 people. 24 people that depend on having a place to work every day in order to support their family. I am currently struggling with, not just riding one thin line...but riding several at the same time. I cant pour concrete from home. I cant excavate from home. I cant give quotes from home. I cant enter a closed permit office. Trying to protect the office staff...trying to protect our service crews that have customer contact multiple times daily, trying to protect our customers, trying to protect our construction crews...it's all freaking daunting. The retraction in revenues is absolutely impossible to predict. What else do I do but prepare for a worse-case scenario? Example - Travel restrictions for non essential personnel lasting greater than 4 weeks. Those preparations and changes that will protect us personally from a worst-case scenario will greatly impact a very minor segment of the local population. But, I am just one hole in the wall business...This will have a long-term effect on our economy and general way of life, IMO. You cant just spring back from 8+ weeks of America "down-time." I truly hope I am wrong. If it's anything like my snowfall prediction...hey, we'll be in good shape! Just venting to someone other than my wife....
  9. A little late to the party man...this post was from back in the good old days before covid-19 and politics took over banter.
  10. Mod sleet/rain mix shower right now with the leading edge. 51/21
  11. Massive slug of March coming out of the gulf would be fun no doubt. GFS has been pretty spot on this season with 2mT 12 days out...so, pretty sure that part is a lock.
  12. If its gonna happen...this aint a bad look leading in. Give me 60/70s or give me snow...I'm good either way. Anywhere in between is just annoying but probably closer to reality.
  13. Fishing reels restrung, a rumble of thunder and peepers doing their thing creekside...it's officially spring. On March 3rd.
  14. Euro looking diggy with the ns so far...
  15. Looks like 06z continues the trend...getting close to some interaction with the ss wave on the latest run. Maybe this is a long shot but it will keep me interested as long as we keep seeing baby steps. If we can start to see the 2 interact just a little bit I would think we may see the ns dive further south as a result.
  16. Good call...every analog I see says lots of sunny days this summer. Taking into account the "new normal" we may be in line for a whole bunch of sunny days...only time will tell.
  17. lol! that actually made me laugh... nah...too many questions. "what kind of firewood is that? how should I stack it? Why stack it like that? History says...." hahaha. Just kidding @Maestrobjwa
  18. Man if I was single...I'd be living in fort kent.. can you imagine a place where cutters can give you snow lol I have been thinking hard about maybe a second (relatively inexpensive) place to buy where I can experience deep winter whenever I want. Been looking hard at places in the Tug. Prices in the sticks up there are not terrible. If it were up to me I would live up there during the winter, work firewood, plow my driveway and watch the snowfall. I like solitude man...especially in winter. Come back to MD when mud season starts up there. My wife would prefer to have a warmer option as a second home. So...the compromise looks like we will just stay here in MD so I can continue counting snowfall in millimeters instead of feet.
  19. A nice improvement on the EPS imo. Not quite good enough to see the snow mean jump but another tick in the right direction at 0z would get some of those amped solutions closer to the coast.
  20. Man...just a little more dig and that could have been a nice result. Especially for favored areas.
  21. Terrible post. At least include a snow map...even if you draw it yourself. I know you got the skilz to do it....just lazy.
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