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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. The bright side is @Weather Will is about to see his one snowflake! It might burst into flames instantly when in reaches the ground but...beggars.
  2. Ha! yeah...back edge already advancing. That band does look like it wants to intensify....at least right now.
  3. Definite slush bombs mixing in under that brighter return...41/38
  4. Looks like a bit of rotation just south of Burkittsville md....I swear that area gets spin ups all the time.
  5. Not really...a good thunderstorm with all the ingredients except for the wind...30-35mph maybe with the storm.
  6. Constant thunder to the west... Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  7. Really surprised at the temp jump...clouds have moved back in. Capped at 74.8 for now.
  8. Those cells are finally showing some life coming out of WV...Feeding off that break in the clouds?
  9. Full sun here now...plenty of blue skies to my west. Temp rising quick with the sun out...up 2 degrees in the past 15 minutes. 64.9
  10. Just lost a large cedar tree in the yard...the wind roared just as the precip was ending.
  11. How dare you....Hope you enjoyed your chapped face.
  12. So, 20k deaths a day and 4- 5 years until we return to normal... Got it. My list of nominees for MA forum motivational speaker keeps getting longer. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. The best weather day of 2020, imo. Ridiculously beautiful and brilliant sunshine for the seedlings. The only time there was a slight discomfort was a brief cloud and wind gust combined. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. Been trying to get yeast for 3-4 weeks and no luck. Have a jar in the fridge but running low..... No junk food is tougher than I thought. We eat very little but enjoy a good steak and cheese from the local take out joint every now and then. Made our own the other eve... Boom!
  15. Agreed....we are a family of 4 and survive just fine off of a local mom and pop food mart....combined with a grocery store grab n go once a week for decent veggies. Far less crowded and less people in general moving through in a given day.
  16. Funny, I was up last night and saw your post....I actually thought about it on the way into the office this morning. I'm curious also....the thunder was crazy at our house. Could hail deflect sound if the situation is just right?
  17. Certainly if a deer wanted, it could hop that fence with ease. I dont think we will have an issue though....Our dog seems to keep them at bay and they have plenty of forrest to find what they need to eat and to bed down. It is really meant to keep deer from wandering up for a snack and to keep rabbits, turkey and other critters out. I have customers in areas of Mont county that the same issue you are describing. Crazy how they can ravage plantings and gardens...I have seen folks try everything and nothing really seems to be a consistent deterrent.
  18. Pea sized hail and tons of the thunder and lightning. Woke the whole house up..
  19. We used to call them red-headed woodpeckers as kids. I dont know the actual name but they are beautiful birds. Grew up in the woods and they were almost a daily sight. I remember my dad jumping up, with an ear to air..."those dam woodpeckers are on the back of the house again." LOL.. He obviously could hear the difference between a pine fascia board and an oak tree. Speaking of wildlife...I did not see one snake last year. Actually strange not to see several over a season....yesterday I had to (unfortunately) kill an adult copperhead. Curled up on a rock near the creek. I typically dont kill them unless I find that they have made their way from the creek or are in a spot where we may come in contact. This one was where the kids and dog play in and around the creek and was huge! Biggest copperhead I have seen around here. Finished up the new garden area yesterday. Perfect day to be outside working...and away from the news.
  20. I could be wrong but I think it is a mistake. I just spoke with MD Unemployment yesterday regarding several of my employees. I just needed to confirm they were laid off due to COVID and when I started to give them a rough return to work date she cut me off...."If its due to COVID there doesn't need to be a return to work date on file and the claimants do not need to search for work." I cant imagine they want anyone out searching for work....what work?
  21. Awesome....reassuring to hear that it does help with pests. I did read that it will inhibit larvae growth and development if applied when eggs are laid. These caterpillars (not root boring) and slugs are my main issue. Cabbage, broccoli and other hearty leafy greens are their food of choice.
  22. We set a cooler on the back patio...groceries that require refrigeration go into the cooler for 72 hour before bringing inside. All other groceries are left in the car for 72 hours until we bring them inside. If we need something before the 72 hours, we sanitize. Maybe its overkill? The stress of our first grocery run is what pushed us to do this. Handling everything, items sitting on the kitchen floor and on the counter, then touching the fridge handles and pantry cabinet we realized we had to sanitize all kinds of items and surfaces when we were done...Waiting 72 hour just offers a little peace of mind.
  23. Dude! That is a fantastic site...Much appreciated. We use a ton of stainless at work...There are 2 decent hardware/fasteners stores in Frederick but they are pricy and dont always have what you need. That would certainly have been a better product to put in the beds. I will be placing Hydroblox drainage boards around the perimeter of each bed and then out of the garden area to help move water away in case of flooding type rains. Hoping this will be somewhat of a physical barrier as well. On a side note...Our Black Lab was just a pup last spring and summer. The hunting genes must have kicked in this season and he has already dug up and sent 5 moles to the promise land! lol He showed interest last year in hunting them down but he's on a mission this Spring!
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