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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. BUSTED! A week from now these would have hatched and proceeded to destroy a vibrant zucchini plant....
  2. .31" for the month of June so far. The yard is parched.....Hopefully a nice soaking tonight. I was pruning some excess leaves out of our squash a zucchini plants yesterday to encourage some better airflow and found squash bugs. I have been trying to figure out what the heck has been munching on the leaves. First time I have seen them in our gardens...
  3. Reminds me of the ull situation a few weeks ago. Cutters during winter and suppression during the summer? Only in the MA. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  4. Pretty much everything except root veggies and greens. Ive used it mostly for tomatoes and vine veggies. It's easy to train the vines over or around the mound. On a side note...I pulled the wood chips off the top of the bed this late winter and added about 3" of our compost to the top and placed the wood chips back. The only thing I have actually planted this spring is the row of tomatoes you see across the top. Everything else is volunteer. 2 zucchini, 1 yellow squash, 2 cucumbers and 3 of something that I am not quite sure yet what they are. They look like cantaloupe.
  5. Dont worry...I had never heard of it either as of about 2 years ago. I was researching permaculture and found this method (huglekultur) is just a piece the permaculture pie. Thought I would give it a try where we had an existing garden that was too far away to water regularly. Honestly, I have yet to water this bed for 2 years. I do water seedlings until their root structure can reach the dampness about 6" down. Here was the process a few years ago.
  6. Hugelkultur bed is thriving....Actually, everything is doing pretty well. Plants are loving these brilliant sunny days. Peas
  7. Yeah, the C MD split has been frustrating today....we'll see what happens with the stuff west of Winchester. A quick downpour here (maybe 30 seconds) dropped the temp 10 degrees.
  8. Looking West from Jefferson Maryland. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  9. Slugs are out in full force with the damp and humid weather. Read an article last year that manual removal of slugs on a regular basis is the best prevention. After many attempts using every realistic method out there this ended up proving most effective. I was outside with a headlamp every night picking slugs of our plants. Unfortunately, it was too little too late last year....the damage was already done to the cabbage and broccoli. Instead of waiting for the attack during spring this year I started throwing green cabbage leaves from the grocery store into the gardens. I was able to remove almost 2 dozen slugs from the gardens this evening that were snacking on the cabbage leaves. It took me about a week last year to really reduce the population...I am hoping this method will at least give me a solid head start this year and hopefully make the difference. Would love to have a healthy cabbage and broccoli harvest this year. Plants are looking healthy so far...All that can change in one night though if I'm not vigilant.
  10. The control never fails to impress. Large area of 5"+ with a WV panhandle/NOVA bullseye
  11. 18z ICON is probably heading that way. 4-7" in the i81 corridor by 18z tue.
  12. Euro going the way of the Canadian....miserable weather unless we have a heavy rainer to contend with. Waiting for EJ to be tentatively excited about a flooding risk.. Easterly flow with a frontal boundary and a slight trop connection/capture....then a cutoff. Def interesting..
  13. Smart.. And I should know better. I was able to to save everything. A few burnt leaves here and there but nothing that will kill the plant. One... Maybe 2 more nights to contend with. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. 34 with some light patchy frost...thrilled it was milder than forecast. Pushing 60...beautiful day.
  15. 32.4 for the low. No frost with the wind but tonight looks to be a prime rad cooling situation. Forecast low here is 32 tonight...I could see upper 20's if the wind dies down toward dawn. Current dew point is 19.
  16. Crazy looking at those traffic cams....Green grass with snow starting to stick
  17. Had plenty of thunder and lightning with that line... Gusty winds and pouring rain. All at 48 degrees. . 58" today so far Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  18. I shouldnt have planted....but I did. Ive got my work cut out for me tonight after the rain ends. Should be fun at 9pm trying to get everything covered. I am hoping the wind keeps us from a hard freeze. Freaking ridiculous man...
  19. Finally a warm sunny day for the veggies....you can probably watch things grow as the day wears on.
  20. 06z euro with a slightly slower progression as well....Pretty consistent the last few runs for a 2-3" region-wide rain maker. Novice question....do you, or anyone, have any resources you can point me towards to help me understand how to assess the risk of severe from a sounding and other parameters? I do understand the basics but the more I become interested in severe and heavy rains the more complex it seems compared to winter weather. Never thought I would become interested in severe...but, it seems to have grown on me.
  21. Any potential for wed night/thurs? Looks like the 3k has a nasty line coming through WV around midnight....some training looks possible with the slow eastward push.
  22. Solid garden soaker inbound... .66" so far last night and today. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  23. Actually had the same issue the other day. Had a dense spiderweb under the cup holding it down....One of those webs that almost look like spun wool.
  24. Agree, it is heartbreaking. If you enjoy the incubation period of a small business more than the successful years that follow, the next 5 years will be a sight to see. Sure, we will have a vaccine by then but I do agree that society will be changed for the next decade or maybe much longer. Hell, my grandparents still kept cash in the freezer due to their distrust of banks. 60 years later and the great depression was still affecting their way of thinking. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong and any vacuums will be filled. I know a guy that owns a unique blasting (as in sand) service that is currently outfitting his trailer units so they have the ability to spray disinfectant at various businesses. Dont get me wrong, the pain and heartache is and will be real for many small/medium size businesses....and I feel greatly for those people. Some folk's business will go under and lives will be ruined, some will see a new opportunity, some will be more apt to flex and bend toward a new way of doing what they do.
  25. Same here....a decent roof/car topper. Ridge tops were frosted on the way to work this morning...
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