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Everything posted by poolz1

  1. Welcome to a taste of life west of the BR....
  2. I started a new crop 2 weeks ago and they are sprouting...Im a little behind. I was really trying to see how long I could keep them producing by picking regularly and pruning here and there. Have you ever tried a second cucumber crop? I planted a few when I started the squash but dont know if I am wasting my time or not with them. Never tried a second round of cukes....
  3. After a prolific crop of zucchini and yellow squash so far this season I had to pull all of them out of the ground yesterday. I thought the few yellowing leaves were just a sign of the heat and entering the latter part of summer. Then they really started going downhill....after a close inspection I found vine borers had already done too much damage to try to salvage the plants. Not too bent out of shape about it but it does frustrate me that I didnt pick up on it earlier. The family is pretty sick of squash by now but I hate losing plants like that.....its always something. On a side note...we are not big fried food people but I did make some fried zucchini sat evening. Turned out great but the show was stolen when I threw in some of the refrigerator pickles that I made about a week ago. Some ranch dipping sauce and a ripe IPA...that was dinner!
  4. Crazy how my slightly southern lat resulted in a fraction of your totals. I was caught in the middle. Today produced though. Rough estimate looking at the rain gage.... 1.25" or so. Gardens are pleased finally... Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  5. .08" Tuesday and .14" yesterday.....parched still. Just bad luck and a little too far west.
  6. Sounds like you need a few umbrella sockets installed around the pool edge! They can make all the difference in stretches of high heat like this...just being able to escape the sun for a bit without having to get out of the pool.
  7. yeah...kind of ridiculous. Great for a night swim but not very refreshing during the day.
  8. hit 97 yesterday and 96 the day before.... pool temp is 88!
  9. @nw baltimore wx That's awesome...I agree, it has been a great growing season so far. I pulled a few hornworms off some tomato plants the other day. Those suckers waste no time gorging themselves...I have seen them plow through a green tomato and leave what looks like someone took a perfect bite out of it. You would definitely see their waste pile beneath that tomato if this was the case. Otherwise, a live trap set with some watermelon in it should catch the critter. You can then relocate it or...return your neighbor's cat!
  10. Beautiful sight in the garden this morning. Loads of honey bees creating a steady buzz....frantically moving from flower to flower, legs and abdomens covered in pollen. I haven't seen this kind of activity from honey bees in years. So cool to watch them in action...
  11. 06z euro trying to push many areas past the century mark on sunday.
  12. A nice .44" soaking yesterday. Just in time for the deck belt on my mower to break. I can hear the grass growing now....
  13. First drops of rain here in 9 days. .37" in the gauge this morning.
  14. Slow day...Check out that outflow boundary in Nebraska though. Wild looking...time sensitive of course.
  15. I thought ticks were noticeably worse this years as well. My wife was just (30 days ago) diagnosed with Lyme disease. Fortunately, it was caught in the first 30 days or so as she had classic symptoms of early lyme. Symptoms were so close to COVID we really thought she had contracted the virus somehow but the test came back neg as symptoms worsened. Once the rash started we knew we were dealing something else. Hope your boy is on the mend here soon.
  16. Was in the garden yesterday evening preparing to water things and just happened to notice the rain gauge. Completely oblivious that we received .54" Tuesday night. Had to go inside and look up the radar loop to convince myself that my kids weren't messing with me! No need to water.....it actually happened. lol
  17. It really seems to be random sometimes. We have 4 nice, lush basil plants that added to a great caprese salad Saturday... Today 2 of the 4 have been ravaged by June bugs. All of the plants are within 2 feet of each other. The other two are untouched. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  18. Already 86 here...classic summer day on tap. Already sweating just walking around the yard with my coffee. Garden is loving the weather here recently....plenty of moisture, warm humid days and lots of sun.
  19. No sprinklers here for a while... .48" yesterday. Roughly 2.25" the past 3 days.
  20. I might just bullseye this storm. Getting dark with thunder in the distance. Just svr warned. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  21. 1.83" is the final from yesterday...Creek was raging pretty good last night but stayed within its banks. Feels like a smallmouth morning...unfortunately its hard to wet a line from my desk.
  22. Great storm. Not much wind but a ton of T&L...torrential rain and pretty long duration too. 1.27" from that one. 1.65" for the day so far.
  23. Any chance of rotation with these storms today? I'll defer to those more knowledgeable... Looks like a little rotation passing through Inwood right now...
  24. 0.0 for the past 4 days.....parched. What a string of bad luck....
  25. .38" Which doubles my monthly total...roughly. Vis sat this morning looked like wild fires with smoke plumes coming off of skyline drive...upslope was cranking.
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