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Snow dog

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Everything posted by Snow dog

  1. I REALLY want to believe that map! God, please let it verify!…
  2. Nice! Hoping it’s right for this one. Cutting those totals in half would be a great event here in Greenville!
  3. Burrel-that looms fantastic! I really want to believe that. What’s your confidence level in the Hrrr?…
  4. Yeah-you know it’s wonky if its showing Greenville with more than Asheville!
  5. What part of Saluda are you in? I own a house there (Lake Hosea), just outside town limits. WOuld love to head up there this weekend but have too much here in Greenville to make it this weekend..
  6. Wow! Def a western Carolina's / N GA storm! Where are all these posters???
  7. Awesome. You have maps you could share?
  8. Yeah-I'd much rather get the 34/cold rain than what the NAM is showing.
  9. That would be a very nice front-end thump of snow in by backyard before the changeover to ice..
  10. Yes it does! I also like the backend snow in MS..
  11. Guessing that helps keep the WAA at bay more. Maps??
  12. Yeah- 4.5” with .25 sleet sounds about right here. Just hope the fz rain can be avoided here, but I know someone will get it..
  13. Boy-not much snow in the Carolina's in that picture! I know the backend thump still coming, but that's a lot of ice for my area..
  14. I would gladly take 34 and cold rain over 30 and ice..
  15. So me and the Mrs are going to be at Grove Park (Asheville) this weekend, leaving to come back home on Sunday morning. As of now, will I be able to get out ok, as this thing has slowed down to a Sunday morning start? Or will this be the worst time to be on the roads?
  16. Yeah-I'm a 51 year resident here myself so I hear ya. 1-3" is probably more realistic..
  17. Yep. I'm in the current sweet spot, but i have full confidence we will not see the numbers these models are spitting out. 3-4" would be a great snow here in the upstate. Most models do a very poor job of predicting actual amounts..
  18. Lime, lime, and more lime! That should neutralize the soil, and allow you to get the grass going again...
  19. Give me rain and 70 all day over a big Freezing rain event. Sleet, I can take..
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