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Snow dog

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Everything posted by Snow dog

  1. Us folks in Upstate SC can identify with you! We too got very little, while virtually every direction around us cashed in during at least one of the events. For the Jan 10 event, the folks to our southwest were getting hammered (4+"), but by the time it arrived in the upstate, it was mostly a flurry fest. Got MAYBE 1/2" at best. The event in Feb was nothing more than a few flurries. I have to give the winter weather a 'D' hear in Greenville, SC. I sure long for the late 80s! Got back to back 10+" snows in '87 & '88. Oh well...
  2. Good-need the rain here! Lake levels still 3' below full pond..
  3. Man- I’m rooting for you! Please send pics if you get some down there!
  4. I’m rooting for you guys! We all say ‘my area gets screwed all the time’ but you guys truly never see a good storm, so I’d love to see y’all get hammered!
  5. Upstate SC looks to on the outside looking in, so I’m REALLY rooting for the midlands/coastal folks to score big! Reel it in guys!!
  6. Me too! Man-I’d love to see snow in Florida where they NEVER see it!!
  7. I'm pulling for all the coastal folks! Hope yall get the Big One!!
  8. Will that hit me here in upstate SC? Potentially a major bust for mby…ground not even white here…
  9. I hope this is correct. So far a big dud in my backyard. Low rates has the snow melting off my roof already… barely any white on the ground here 2 miles north of I-85 in Greenville..
  10. Yes-the northern half of the precip shield looks much less impressive than the bottom half..
  11. To my untrained eye on radar, looking more like the heaviest precip will stay to our south in the upstate..
  12. I'll take this map and run! 2-4", with a bit of sleet /fz rain on top would be an awesome event here!
  13. I might need to drive over to my place on Hartwell Thursday night and set up over there (Fair Play)! This map showing upwards of 4"!
  14. Agree. People 'writing off' winter in mid-December are crazy! The weather is going to do what its going to do, and if you are hoping for wall-to-wall cold weather, you picked the wrong region to live in. I'd love to see snow, but if its not going to, give me mid-60s all day long!
  15. That's good to hear, and again, I am rooting for them! Its easy to criticize from afar, but good grief, they bought the resort over a year ago, and I would have thought that the lifts would have been serviced a long time ago. Anyway, I'm glad that it appears close to opening! ALso glad they are opening the back side of the mountain!
  16. A bit off topic, but somewhat weather related....Does anyone know much about the new management at Wolf Laurel Ski resort (now Hatley Point)? I really want to try them out and hope they succeed, but I'm already seeing things that I dont like. From what i can see online, they have done an excellent job with rennovations to the lodge, and have added what looks like a nice high-end restaurant. However, they still havent opened their slopes! And as i check web cams, I see that they are the ONLY resort that is NOT running their snow guns...WHY? Surely the new management knows that winter in this area is not wall to wall cold, and they MUST take advantage of cold times to build up bases. Anyway, does anyone know when they might open? Before Christmas? I just fear that there isnt much of a philosophy change from the old owners..
  17. Man-sorry you guys have missed the rain. Us update SC folks have been hammered lately. Lake Hartwell currently 2' over full lake level, after being down almost 8' in early December..
  18. Here is a novel idea….if you don’t want to read/hear about, stay off the board. Good grief, the guy is just discussing what he sees, and what the models might be showing. This whole nonsense of ‘rooting for cold weather’ is utterly ridiculous. Guess what, the weather is going to do what it’s going to do, regardless of what we ‘root’ for.
  19. I’m headed to Whistler for some skiing in 2 weeks. It’s been bad there most of the season, until now! At least I’ll see snow this year, just hate I have to go to Canada to see it.
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