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Everything posted by Randy4Confluence

  1. Yes SoCal did very well in late November and December and got way ahead of their average early and have had other s/ws that we've missed out on so they are better off than us here in N. Cal this year.
  2. Yes, February has been the absolute worst month with not a drop of nothin' all month. And on top of that, we've also had several dry wind events ( Santa Anna!) this month which is drying the plant life right down to their roots, so this potentially makes fire season start earlier. What weather enthusiasts hope and pray for with all their hearts around here are "Atmospheric River" events...basically a sub-tropical weather system off the Pacific that brings feet of snow to places like the Sierra Mtns and Mammoth mountains. Anyhow, hopefully things improve in March which isn't hard to do considering how bad it's been this month.
  3. Cali having a winter to forget also with bone dry Jan/Feb. Unless March is different, you'll be seeing lots of fires on TV again. Edit: SoCal isn't as BD off this year as NorCal so if things keep up this way, NorCal could have real problems with fire season.
  4. Or just forget about models and the storm and move to California where your hiny is on fire and you won't see even a cloud for 6 months let alone rain! Just think, no more hopes being dashed to pieces, 384 fantasy storms, and living model run to model run lol.
  5. Man we can't get rid of this damn resilliant ridging here ( CA). The LR showed some sign of it finally breaking around November 10th or so, but today took that all away. I'm sure this is good news for you. 3rd year in a row of never ending fire season. I really get sick of the sun at this point. Man I miss normal 4 seasons. Just bitching ..thanks for reading.
  6. One storm, that doesn't probably doesn't rank high around here, but for me is worth comemorating, is The Dec 9th, 2005 mini blizzard. I was working in Needham that day, and we were only forecasted to get perhaps 1-3" that day. But a localized band set up somewhere around Boston...and BOOM! Basically we had thundersnow with lightning and high winds lasting like 3 hours or so. It was a 3 hour squall essentially. The total from that ended up being somewhere around 10".
  7. I'm telling you man, Nov. Snow is a good indicator for the winter... You should have listened to me.
  8. I guess that was considered a KU because of the widespread-ness anD this one isn't for the opposite reason.
  9. I was born in NYC in 1969 (Queens) within a week of the Lynsey storm but wasn't old enough to pinch myself
  10. Yeah that was big but not as big up here. We ended up with a measley 20" and it all melted within a week.
  11. Day I've waiting for since I missed the mauler that hit us in '05 Is now. Still in disbelief that this is actually happening. I mean, just 5 days ago this wasn't even on the table.
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