Yeah, I don't mind above average temps this time of year. We got 5 months of rain and 40's staring us in the face, may as well enjoy the sun and warm temps while they last.
Fortunately no, I was wearing sweats & long sleeves. A couple of years ago I was trimming a hedge in shorts and a t-shirt when I hit a nest. They were on me so fast I probably got stung two or three times before I realized what was happening.
The cold hasn't affected the yellow jackets, just stumbled across a nest while raking in the back. Went running around to the front screaming like a little girl! (Apologies to brave, little girls everywhere.)
The only positive thing I can say about this upcoming winter is my expectations are set so low that even a few hours of virga transitioning into a driving rain storm will feel like a victory.
For entertainment purposes only -- looks like last night's Euro takes whatever form in the western Gulf to the VA capes next weekend, then straight up the Hudson valley. The GFS has nada.
Yep, September feeling like September for a change...77F/DP 47.
I don't think the Flyers have played their A game since the round robin. Tonight would be a good time to bring it!
No shocker and it matches what everyone else seems to be saying, AccuWx's early winter outlook is calling for another blowtorch.
F this, I'm moving to Deadhorse AK!
Nothing says Stanley Cup Playoffs like dews in the mid 70's and tropical remnants sliding off the coast.
Been cloudy all day with just an occasional shower. But now the Sun is starting to pop out, so I expect it to get even more uncomfortable. 77F/DP 74
I know it's going to get hot & humid again, but I don't recall a nice stretch of weather like we're about to have the last couple of Augusts. Maybe it's a sign we'll have autumn this year before Halloween.
79F/DP 67
No rain here yet, not sure if I'll get any as the short range models keep everything to my SE. Still, it's rather dark with a rumble or two in the distance. Temp went from 90F earlier down to 82F.
I never considered myself to be a hoarder, but after cleaning out the crawl space this weekend from Isaias, I think it maybe time to look into a 12-step program.
78F/DP 72
Wow, some of those rain totals/rates are just crazy...and on top of Isaias! Fortunately only 0.55” here.
Anymore rain and our area will be the new Atlantis.
Gave my AC a small break this morning but it's going back on now. Getting a bit uncomfortable with the sun poking out, 78F/68DP. Picked up 0.08" this morning. Heard the same loud boomer as Birds.
I think we only need 3 drops of rain at this point for creeks and rivers to overflow their banks again
Not the worst morning out there. Got the AC off and windows open. 68F/DP 64.