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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. The "good" pattern was always supposed to occur after the 15th. I'll give it until next weekend to see how things are shaping up. If we're still waiting another 10-15 days for the epic 1996 redux pattern or, not the next storm or the next storm, but the storm after the next storm, I'll go full out Ji!
  2. I find it's best to stick with the models that show a whiff or rain...they tend to be correct more often than not
  3. 34F with big fatties coming straight down, no wind. Street already coated.
  4. Haha...yeah! I should know better. I really don't mean to be pessimistic, most are targeting mid to late Jan before we see improvements. It just seems we've been here these last few winters -- chasing epic patterns in the LR that fail to materialize. Hopefully the "were due index" pays off this year.
  5. Pick up .60" so far. Patiently waiting for the greatest winter since 1996/snowmageddon/last ice age to get under way, 44F.
  6. Yep...34F and rain. Happy New Year everyone!!
  7. Who knows how any of this will play out and what effect it will have on the sensible weather in our backyards. All I know is the last couple of winters, I was already looking for the towel in early Jan. Give me a month of winter from Jan 15 to Feb 15 and I'll be a happy weenie.
  8. Heard the winds kick up before sunrise but couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed and look. A dusting here too, 34F.
  9. Getting some light snow here. That plus the small mound (about the size of a football) at the base of the driveway = white Christmas in my book.
  10. 62F at midnight, now down to 37F. 2.02" so far. Didn't have cable or interwebs this morning. Merry Christmas, everyone!
  11. 1.85” so far. Just drove back from Quakertown, it was quite the ride. My creek is out of it’s banks...yay 2020!
  12. I couldn't live somewhere where there wasn't a change of seasons. Especially fall, it's my favorite and I'd miss the change of leaves and that first crisp air mass that says summer is over. Plus I'd hate to have to do yardwork 12 months a year. It's nice putting the mower away in Oct. I hope to do what Snowwors2 is doing and move north to a more winter-friendly climate once I retire. But hey, we all have our own preferences so I hope you become a full-time snowbird someday!
  13. 14F this morning. 12z NAM still shows snow showers tomorrow. Nothing much but nice seeing flakes this time of year.
  14. Yeah, cold chasing precip rarely works in these part. But maybe we'll get a Festivus miracle this year.
  15. They sure do cover all their bases -- "perhaps some sun, with snow possible". Well, they do say there's a 0% probability of thunderstorms...going out on quite a limb there. I'll go with the usual KA Christmas forecast: partly sunny, 50's.
  16. Sounds like the house is getting sand blasted. Sleet in Harrisburg. Weren’t they expecting 18” out there?
  17. Getting pingers here too. But my temp dropped down to 25F, so there’s that.
  18. Yeah, he seemed to imply that since the back edge was approaching DC, our precip will be shutting off soon.
  19. And we barely wasted a flake—very little virga and instant stickage. 26F/DP 24
  20. Weenie handbook rule #12: When the NAM cuts back on snow totals, claim it's suffering convective feedback issues. 27F/DP 14
  21. My bar is set at 8”, we’ll see. There was some filtered sun first thing this am, but clouds have lowered and thickened.
  22. 25F/DP 9 Smells like snow out there, let’s do this!
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