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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. Been watching the heat ridge build in the Pac NW. I've often thought that might be a nice place to retire to. Sure, I'd have to give up on snow chances, but it might be worth it to avoid the heat & humidity of summer. NOPE! Scratch that off the list. I only understand about 10% of what HM posts, but he has a theory about the Hadley cell being displaced further north as a possible culprit for the heat up there in recent years. Anyway... Another awesome night of sleeping weather, got down to 54F overnight. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  2. Yeah, after last June's derecho and having a crap ton of trees taken out, I'm down for a quiet severe season. Feels like the front moved through. Still a bit sticky out there but DP down to 63F.
  3. Amazing how a DP of 69F can make a temp of 70F feel so miserable. Picked up .20" yesterday/overnight. Looks like we'll be adding to that later on. Anything to keep the lawn green for another week.
  4. Only got down to 74F overnight. Currently 75F with a DP of 72F. Hoping the clouds linger to keep the temps in check today. Waiting on steamy window updates from Agnes.
  5. Showers moving in, made it up to 86F beforehand. Now down to 79F with a DP of 70F. P.S. Glad to see the Cherry Hill radar is working again
  6. Picked up .10" overnight. Missed out on storms this week, it was starting to get dry again. Hopefully we'll add a little more to the rain bucket this afternoon. As Birds said, you can feel the change in the air mass this morning. AC goes back on today 73F/DP 68F
  7. Obviously there was a glitch in the Matrix a few years ago that allowed the Eagles to win the Super Bowl. But order has been restored to the universe and we're back to teams of azz.
  8. As Ji would say, that map is meteorologically impossible. Another night of great sleeping weather, 67F/DP 45F.
  9. I love how the article says "snow is considered rare this time of year". "Rare" but not "unheard of"...lol! Maybe I'll retire to Iceland. How difficult could it be to pick up the language?? 67F/DP 53F...beautiful sleeping weather last night.
  10. Yes, it certainly seems "back to school" gets earlier each year. But then again, it seems schools return earlier then when we were kids -- it was always after Labor Day, first week of Sept or so. Seems more and more schools return in late August now, prior to Labor Day. (Which is kind of stupid since they usually end up cancelling classes due to the Aug heat in un-air conditioned schools.) So glad I'm not a kid today, with summer reading lists and other schoolwork assignments that need to be completed. For us, summer was a time to let the brain deteriorate!!
  11. Last week of adding daylight, too! Although it's hard to notice until early August. August 1 is Lammas Day, the summer's cross-quarter day. Also, August 5th is about when our temps max out and we start heading downhill again (extremely slowly).
  12. I saw a documentary a few years ago about the population boom in the SW. Someone mentioned that hundreds of years from now (assuming we're still here), archeologists will scratch their heads wondering why we thought it was a good idea to build cities in the desert along with houses that include swimming pools.
  13. Kamu left out the part about the fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror and we were listening to Dark Side on his car’s 8-track
  14. That was YOU who gave me the ride??
  15. A friend of mine up in Sellersville has one borrowing in her yard to lay eggs. Anyone want a pet snapper?
  16. Heard my first crickets last night. They may have been out there for awhile, but it's the first night I've slept with open windows this week. Probably have another month to go before the katydids show up.
  17. In other words, if this were January, they got more than 6 feet of snow while I got flurries. But seriously, I don't wish 6+ inches of rain on anyone in that brief amount of time. I'll be paying off the damage from Isaias for a few more years. 72F/DP 71F
  18. Thunder all around me, but nothing more than a sprinkle here. Temp down to 79F!
  19. 87F under cloudy skies. Don't want to think about what the temp would be with full sun. Looks like slow movers. Wonder if we'll see any flash flood advisories/warnings today?
  20. Been sitting at 85F with a DP of 77F. Looks like storms are starting to pop over Chester County.
  21. Let's hope for those storms, already approaching 80F at 8:30 am...79F/DP 75F. Looks like I only got down to 74F overnight.
  22. ^ Haha... yeah, glad I'm an old man now. Fifteen-year-old me would have been shooting bottle rockets at them. We know how that would have ended.
  23. Clouds have moved in, knocking me down from 92F to 89F
  24. Until recently, didn't our species die of old age around 30? I usually leave my AC at 78F. The thermostat is in the hallway, away for any vent. So although it reads 78F, it's closer to 74F around the house. Plus, I live in a ranch, so not having a second floor bedroom makes sleeping more comfortable. And ceiling fans are a must! 77F/DP 71F
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