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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. Need rain, car covered in pollen again. 72F/DP 65F We start losing daylight again a month from now
  2. Certainly not hot but not chilly either. Old folk wandering around the grocery store wearing parkas like there’s an incoming MECS. 73F/DP 61F
  3. PLEEZE!!! This spring reminds me of 2003...stayed damp & chilly well into mid June that year.
  4. Agreed! Fortunately I got to see it in November 2003 (if I remember correctly).
  5. Hellz yeah...a little more than a month to go and we start losing daylight again!
  6. Best day of the spring so far, 48F with rain. I could take an entire summer like this!
  7. Just enough rain drops on the windshield to turn the pollen into a shamrock shake, 54F.
  8. I remember reading once that, while tropical eruptions can lead to cooler summers, they tend to produce warmer winters. If we what an eruption that leads to cooler winters for us, we need the eruption to take place in the northern latitudes. Any truth to this? Did I misread or am I remembering this incorrectly? Hoping someone more knowledgeable than me (which is most of you) can chime in. Thanks!
  9. Topped out at 79F today, much better than the crap that was yesterday. Dews still a bit unacceptable at 65F.
  10. Frost and junk on the car this morning, bottomed out at 30F. Temp already rebounding to 45F.
  11. I looked out a little earlier and thought it was ripping’ fatties…n’ah, just cherry blossoms
  12. Welp…there’s always next year.
  13. Winds just started rippin’ here. Looks like a solid line of junk n stuff incoming
  14. Today looks like the last decent day for awhile. Staring tomorrow the Sun returns and it gets hot. Just over an inch for this most-recent event. Misty, 49F.
  15. Heard a crack of thunder around midnight, .50" in the bucket for the event. 62F
  16. Gotta say, the earthquake and chinooks were way better than the eclipse.
  17. Yeah, 3:23 was it. Goes to show how little sunlight is needed for day ight. Welp...unless I make travel plans, this is the last solar eclipse I'll experience in my life.
  18. Thickest cloud cover of the day But dark and I can feel the temp drop.
  19. I used to have a solar filter for my 8” dob but have no idea where it is. Hoping the glasses I picked up are the real deal!
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