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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. And right after that we'd jump on our bikes and chase the mosquito truck down the street getting a healthy dose of DDT. Kids today don't know what they're missing. 95F/DP 76F
  2. The bulk of last night's rains missed to my north. This morning is a miss to the south. Looks like clearing to our west, it's gonna get disgustable when the sun breaks out. 78F/DP 76F
  3. The half & half I bought this weekend has an August expiration date. July is practically over.
  4. July 1st and right on cue I just heard my first cicada. 77F/DP 57F
  5. M'eh, just a heavy rain shower (which we desperately need) but nothing severe...a few rumbles of thunder, no wind.
  6. Junk n' stuff to my west, 85F with a DP of 78F!!
  7. Rain! Nice little downpour with a rumble of thunder, 81F/DP 75F.
  8. Just like winter...not this storm but the storm after the next storm will be our storm. Patience! 83F/DP 62F
  9. Neighbor's lawn service comes every Wednesday to mow regardless of conditions. They're out there now mowing straw and dust. Seems like a waste time & money. My mower and tractor are in the back of the garage with the snow shovels. 92F/DP 70F
  10. Tomorrow night is trash night, I’m pretty confident we get smacked.
  11. Windy enough that you'd think it's trash night. Sitting at 80F with a delightful DP of 54F!
  12. Is it me or does Matvei Michkov look like a young Boris Yeltsin?
  13. 80F at midnight, 74F now which is my low for the day, DP 62F. Nice breeze out there, windows open for now getting some fresh air in the house. 0.0" in the bucket this weekend.
  14. Only dropped down to 78F overnight, gonna pay for that later today. 83F/DP 73F
  15. There’s a cloud overhead, dropped my temp from 93F all the way down to 92F
  16. Only got down to 75F overnight, gonna pay for that later today. 77F/DP 72F
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/news/as-the-us-heat-wave-drags-on-experts-warn-of-deadly-wet-bulb-temperatures-heres-what-those-are-192339242.html For f***sake! The media finally heard the term “wet bulb”. If “polar vortex”, “atmospheric river” and “heat dome” didn’t kill us, this surely will .
  18. Much like our winters, sounds like the joro spider will underperform... Jorō spiders likely will reach the Northeast in the years ahead, but scientists say there's no need to worry | PhillyVoice 78F/DP 68F
  19. Had my annual AC check up yesterday. It's a 12 year old unit with a restriction in it...probably running at 70% efficiency. No point fixing it, the repair is almost as much as a new unit. Hoping to get one more summer/fall/Christmas season out of it.
  20. Dropped out of the 70's and bottomed out at 69F this morning. Should reach "official heatwave" status today. 71F/DP67F
  21. Damn! I was hoping it meant a late-season snowfall here. Winter 2023-24: Delayed but not denied!! 74F/DP 68F
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