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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. Just give me mood flakes around Christmas and I’ll be happy. I’ll get greedy after New Years! 50F with rain on the doorstep.
  2. Crap Pac Crap Atlantic Crap ENSO Crap solar cycle Crap PDO Crap AO/NAO Crap MJO Beyond that, let's get this party started!
  3. We haven’t even started our winter obs thread and I see the MA forum has already cancelled winter. Maybe we should just move onto the 2025 Spring Obs Thread 28F
  4. If I only get 25" while Vineland gets 50", I'm gonna be one angry weenie Picked up 1.40" yesterday. Clear skies, should be good for drone viewing tonight.
  5. Squall line coming through now, pitch black with sheets of rain. It's trash night, why couldn't it hold off for a few hours until I got the cans down to the curb?
  6. Absolutely rippin' here, been a long time since I've heard rain pound against the house like this. 61F
  7. Had a few gusty flurries as the squall line missed to my north. Temp now down to 34F after a "high" of 39F.
  8. Yes, we're getting our 10 allotted days of winter early this year. Then we torch until late March/April when below normal temp return with a vengeance (but just mild enough for cold rain).
  9. Your company can make materials for every structure on Earth, just not NFL or college stadiums
  10. I think that was Feb ‘89, but maybe I’m misremembering. 1989-90 is my all-time, least favorite winter! That winter got off to such a great start, you thought we were in for something special. Nope! Jan 1 rolled around and winter was over! I’d rather have a ratter from the get go, at least you know there’s nothing to look forward to. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! .80 in the bucket from our latest event.
  11. Winter storm warning for Erie, rain expected here. The universe is self correcting. 38F
  12. Some of the heaviest rate of the day right now (which isn't saying much). Looks like the car top wants to cave. 34F/DP33F
  13. Saw this posted in the La Nina thread by mitchnick. Sounds like the "ABNA" maybe a new false idol for us weenies to worship, similar to previous fallen idols such as the SAI and 10mb warming/vortex split. https://x.com/webberweather/status/1859834206731514183?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1859834206731514183|twgr^11980a2b1ad670b9969d1980f82fb5188548f3a7|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanwx.com%2Fbb%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fwebberweather%2Fstatus%2F1859834206731514183 Not much going on atm, just some light drizzle with a few flakes mixed in. 35F/DP 34F
  14. It’s not often you see rain in Erie while flakes fly in SE PA.
  15. Yeah, wild looking visible sat this morning with some showers starting to pop in the western burbs. Went to top off the birdbath and it miraculously filled itself overnight.
  16. Remember when Eagles fans were upset Joe Douglas left to go to the J-E-T-S???
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