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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. Great minds, brother!
  2. ^This. Ever since they went to the new format back in the spring, their wx segments have become unwatchable. Two minutes of reviewing temps across the region ... zzzzz! Hopefully it's because not much has happened since the blizzard last year, and if we do get a legit storm threat, they'll get back into the swing of things. Not sure if this is Glenn's idea or some new producer at the station.
  3. Let's merge with the Central/Western States forum. Ray used to post from Elko when he lived out there, now we can return the favor!
  4. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how "bullish" Glenn is. I like him because he tends to be conservative and doesn't hype too much. Here's hoping his outlook verifies!!
  5. I imagine Ch 6 will be little more than a rehash of AccuWx's forecast.
  6. A little more detail about the above Accuwx forecast from the MA forum ... "According to Pastelok, accumulation may be limited in areas south of New York City, such as Philadelphia, D.C. and Baltimore. These areas will see a handful of changeover systems, where falling snow transitions to rain and sleet."
  7. Granted, reading comprehension isn't my strong suite, but did DT skip #2? lolz! Anyway ... Last night's 0z Euro doesn't look as extreme, but still way to early to settle on any one outcome. Should be an interesting couple of days model watching!
  8. Just watched JB's weekend video with his prelim winter ideas. After a warm Dec, he's going cold w/above average snowfall. I know ... shocking, right??
  9. Here's an article about their 90-day forecasts ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/accuweather-90-day-forecast_us_57102676e4b06f35cb6f219a?ir=Science&section=us_science&utm_hp_ref=science
  10. The new format gave me a headache.
  11. He just said on the 6:00 broadcast that we "get an extra hour of daylight on Sunday". You'd think he'd know better than that.
  12. As I understand it, Glenn is out with the flu. Doug is filling in and that's why there's been line up changes. Hope you're feeling better soon, Glenn!
  13. Phil agrees with JB.
  14. I thought Bernie Rayno made an interesting point yesterday -- he sited the old Norm MacDonald rule of thumb, that the latitude at which a storm enters North America tends to be the latitute it exits. Nothing is ever 100% in weather, but it's something to keep an eye on.
  15. Yes Mike, I recall the incident that probably caused you and most Mount Holly mets to leave this forum. It wasn’t my intention to imply that there have never been any issues. It sucks for the rest of us who still post here that there is such little red tagger participation. Perhaps if there was, this place would be a little more active. But I can understand the reluctance.
  16. lolz ... I posted the link Ray and it was quickly delete. Guess there's still some bad blood around here.
  17. Again, I don't understand why those who spend most of their time at Tom and Adam's site feel the need to come in here and tell those of us who remain that we need to merge with the NYC forum? Why do you care what goes on here if you've essentially left/choose not to participate here? I wish more mets like Tony, Mike, Ray and Mitch posted here. But they choose not to. I don't know why? This forum has never had a reputation of attacking red taggers the way other others do. And I'm not trying to turn this into an "our forum vs Tom and Adam's" thing. I lurk there. I just choose to spend more time here and post here instead. So again, what's the issue?
  18. I don't understand why those in other forums care how active ours is. The few of us who remain here are content and get along with each other. So what's the issue? The NYC forum does have some great posters. Unfortunately one has to weed through 90% bickering before reading anything of value.
  19. fwiw ... Hurricane mentioned tonight that he's sticking with his call of a cold and snowy second half to winter.
  20. Hurricane releases his winter outlook tomorrow night. Let's hope Glenn makes us happy!
  21. Glenn is a stand up guy. I remember a few years ago he forecasted a big storm that failed to come togther. The next night he went on air, looked straight into the camera and said he blew it -- no excuses, like "I got the upper air pattern right but the weather wrong."
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