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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. I don't know if it's a good match analog wise, but this winter is starting to remind me of 2003-04. We had the cold that year, just no significant storms. Lots of nickle & dime events that kept the ground white for long stretches. I'm starting to think if we do get something (and others have already speculated on this), it's something that will pop up at a short lead time, say inside 84hrs. I dunno, just trying to be patient.
  2. I came into this winter expecting a ratter, so I'm happy with any snow we get. I remember January 2003 being very cold and dry -- maybe a clipper or two, but I remember driving to work each morning seeing the bare ground and thinking we're wasting all this cold. Then Feb hit. Yeah I know, 2002-03 was a Nino winter. But as others have said, I think we can nickel & dime our way to average this year. Patience!
  3. This! People forget the "H" in HECS stands for "historic". There's a reason those storms are labeled historic...because they don't happen very often!!
  4. Yes, the radar is really blossoming. Most models had any late day precipitation south. Could be a little surprise ending this event.
  5. EPS with a low in the lakes...seems about right.
  6. Maybe an inch here, can still see the tops of the grass blades. Went with 2", my forecast was only off by 50%
  7. A couple of Agnes's "dramatic" flakes starting to mix in
  8. Just got back from a Jebwalk, some of the heaviest rates of the day so far. About .50", 25F/DP 22F.
  9. Light stuff coming down with a dusting on all surfaces, 24F/DP 19F.
  10. They’ll be up to 17 pages by tomorrow morning.
  11. I’m all in! Good ratios, instant stickage…2”
  12. People are rioting for bread, milk and eggs over that?? Weenie handbook rule #19: When the NAM cuts back on qpf, declare “convective feedback” and hug a model with higher totals. Sticking with my 1-3” call imby, but might be closer to the 1” now.
  13. Confluence is giving me a bad hair day
  14. My feeling all along is this is a 1-3”, maybe 2-4” deal imby. See no reason to change my thoughts on that. Still, 48ish hours to go, so still time for pleasant or unpleasant surprises. Looking like a “Kamu special”, we expect snow pile pics!
  15. And it looked like snow would continue beyond hour 84.
  16. Have a coating of powdered sugar on all unpaved surfaces.
  17. Filtered sun still visible behind the clouds, but some very light flurries are floating by.
  18. Windshield wiper effect...patience! M/D line on south has always looked like ground zero for this event. But I see no reason atm why we won't see accumulating snow on Monday. In the meantime, the HRRR still likes this afternoon.
  19. 12 more hours and we’ll be rooting for stronger confluence
  20. Is it me or is today windier than yesterday—the day WITH the wind advisory? We’re still 4 days out, nudges & ticks are good. We don’t want wild swings. Patience!
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