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Posts posted by aggiegeog

  1. The freezing line has cleared DFW and it marching through NE TX and northern C TX. Light score band is moving through N TX, many will see a dusting. Maybe someone gets a tad more than that. Otherwise watch for icy bridges as freezing drizzle wings out the last remaining moisture in the air. The next few days will be very cold with highs in the 20s and lows in the teens for most with single digits for a few.

  2. 27 minutes ago, gwlee7 said:

    Being new to the area, I am not sure what I need to look for in the models as far as the weather patterns here.  I know that back East in NC we would want see low pressure exit TX into the gulf and then shift north east as it crossed Florida.  Our best snows in my part of the state came from that set up.  

    For this far north in Texas the best snows come from upper lows coming out of Mexico. A Gulf low moving NE through Lousiana can get us some snow. Occasionally a NW flow shortwave moving into already estaoshed cold can give us a big surprise high ratio snow. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, gwlee7 said:

    Mainly just popping in to say hello.  Moved to Lewisville from an hour east of Raleigh NC in August so, I spent a lot of time in the SE forum.   Have been enjoying living here although so far the weather has been mostly two types: hot and dry and cold and dry.   Look forward to learning more about North TX weather.  

    Happy to have you. There sure are some different dynamics to our winters here than in NC.

  4. The NAM is starting to show what i expect on Friday. A vigorous upper low will cross the state behind the cold front which will generate a surface low over E TX or NW LA. This will lead to a changeover to wintery precip on the backside of the precip. We can also expect some decent rain totals ahead of the changeover. I still see potential for Saturday into Christmas Eve also. We are heading into a very cold and active 2 to 3 weeks.

  5. 2 hours ago, vwgrrc said:

    You might be right. The latest GFS went crazy for N TX through Jan 3rd. It's just one run at this time, but could be indicating something.

    Ensembles sure indicate something. Looks like we start the outbreak thus weekend with some marginal wintery threats then unsettled late next week. We will then likely see a big storm to finally kick the Arctic outbreak out around New Years.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Roy said:

    No matter what happens next week, I am happy with the rain for now. Finally some decent constant rain. My family Christmas plans are safe as well except for maybe a light snow driving back to TX, no biggie.

    Yep, you cannot complain about how things are working out so far. A tricky forecast for Friday and Saturday but no scenario is anything like what looks possible as of late last week.

  7. 1 hour ago, Roy said:

    Well looking more meh. Still surprises me when models change something they have had consistently for run after run for a week. But, give me cold please and a storm will come. Problem is, hard to keep cold here.

    The cold will be easier to keep if the Arctic Circle sgidta south to the Northern Plains as shown on recent models. Those 1050, 1060 or even 1070 highs will bring cold at the surface SE ridge or not.

  8. 1 minute ago, vwgrrc said:

    Yes. But still, 7 days to go. I wouldn't get too concern or excited about that until probably Monday to Tuesday. If the model tells the same by then, that's something serious!

    Agreed that we still have a bit of time for things to change, but at this point the models have been very consistent for a week and the threat is becoming greater and greater with every model cycle. This is a Harvey-esque situation where we know about the event well ahead of rime but the true scope becomes clearer as the event nears. Also remember that this event is likely to start next weekend and rounds of precip will continue every few days through at least early January with Arctic air being continually reinforced during that time frame. People had trouble comprehending the possibility of widespread 30"rain totals a week before Harvey also. You cannot deny when all models op and ens show very similar outcomes run after run.

  9. 1 minute ago, jhamps10 said:

    personally, I have no problem whatsoever for FTW using caution in regards to mentioning this.. It gets the word out there that hey there could be something, but we aren't real sure that it will come about either.. Look at the models from last night, 0zGFS had nothing, but the 6Z had a crippling Icestorm for a good chunk of the metroplex. However I'd stock up on the Christmas groceries a bit earlier this year just in case

    My issue is the models have been very consistent with this event. The ensembles have not wavered and the operational runs, especially the GFS, have been incredibly consistent. Personally I have never seen the models show this strong of a signal, this far in advance (the GFS has been on this for a week without wavering significantly). I will be watching the NAM intently starting on Tuesday as it is the best model for Arctic air masses.

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