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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Yeah except we are likely to miss most of the deform band here. This initial push was supposed to be a large portion of our accumulation and if we get 3 inches from it instead of 6 that will greatly reduce our overall total.
  2. Unfortunately it is a mix. Check out the traffic cams along 79.
  3. I know I'm going to get killed for this but that is basically right over I-70, and I am looking at the traffic cams and it should be a whiteout. Looks like it is not all snow. Hopefully as it pushes north the column will cool.
  4. And honestly for the radar, just zoom in on your phone on the thumbnail version. I prefer that to the new radar they have.
  5. Well we have a poster in here saying they changed over. Like I said, bad sign.
  6. Again, bad sign. I was about to say that I was looking at traffic cameras along 70 and for the returns over the area it did not seem to match up rate wise. Sleet?
  7. I never trust those, but I do think they use one of the model outputs and just filter that in as the future radar.
  8. Radar is really blowing up south of the city, and I don't really see anything that resembles a dry slot developing yet.
  9. TO get off my doom and gloom about the storm, I do want to say I really do miss the old NWS radar. The snapshot of it you see before you click into it is still the old radar so I generally just zoom in on my phone.
  10. Lol, I likely overreacted a bit. We are SO freaking close to what would really be a historic storm for the area, and its just frustrating that we are likely going to miss it by a matter of 50 miles.
  11. I find it odd that the SPC would issue this but KPIT would drop totals.
  12. LOL no! I'm just irritated haha. I know this storm isn't yours but getting foot plus storms here is extremely difficult so to waste that chance stinks.
  13. If you look at their forecast map they drastically reduced totals on it. Had PIT at 11 inches earlier today and now they are showing 8. I'm guessing we end up with major P type issues and waste the best track we've had in years.
  14. It IS going to change over. Saying anything else is wishcasting.
  15. Ok then dude. I'll make a bet with you. If KPIT goes over 8 inches I won't post on here the rest of the winter. If it goes under you do the same.
  16. This is rapidly falling apart out our way. PIT just drastically cut totals, introduced mixing issues into the forecast, and latest short range models are showing major boundary layer issues.
  17. Because it is still interesting. I was told to "shut up" for saying this would be an issue a couple days ago, but talked myself into the fact we would avoid major P type issues but I really should have known better.
  18. New HRRR coming out now is showing loads of mixing issues even with the initial slug that was supposed to be all snow. Starting to wonder if we break 6 inches. THe backside might be what needs to save us.
  19. Shocking. Here we go with our normal bust. Unfreaking real.
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