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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Gotta love how these models continually end up 200 miles apart. It’s pretty crazy.
  2. Well the NAM reeled me back in. It was a pretty huge south jump.
  3. Fairly certain this includes sleet. It was like 4-6 inches of snow and 4-6 inches of sleet.
  4. I was giving Ray a hard time on the NE thread because he was complaining about "only" getting a foot.....I was like man, I've had IMBY one foot plus storm in the last 12 years and only two this century. I'm pretty sure they've had like 15+. I do understand that missing 30 inches by 50 miles is painful, but we've done that here so many times. Not the 30 inches but even our one really good storm last year in December 75-100 miles NE got 30 inches.
  5. Yeah, it never happens, but we certainly are capable of .5 an inch and I do not want to see that at all. A sleet storm would be ok though as long as it isn't a storm we are predicted to get a foot and sleet ruins it.
  6. Ehhhhhhh I do NOT want what the Euro depicts of like 1.5 inches of it.
  7. The lack of LES is pretty striking in places like Cleveland, Erie, even Buffalo though I think they have done better, but especially Syracuse. I know a lot of Erie and Cleveland's totals are from LES usually but this year the MLK storm gave them a bunch, and I'd imagine that Youngstown's deficit is also from a lack of LES. Also its weird to me that Akron has a much lower average than Cleveland and Youngstown.
  8. I agree with what you said before....just rain. I do not have any desire to see an ice storm
  9. Agreed. It was such a shame to waste that potential. It was a decent storm but honestly pretty run of the mill that for many of us was no more than an advisory level event.
  10. Even if this showed us being in great shape 24 hours out, I would fully expect a system like this to have P-Type issues 50-100 miles further north than modeled.
  11. Oh trust me, I love reading the Ne board. Want you guys to cash in. NYC and dc I always hope they fringe or dry slot and that MLK storm was absurd…everyone up to the Canadian border had nixing issues.
  12. I’ll also say I got roasted on my sub after our MLK storm for not being happy with 7 inches when our forecast the morning of was 12 lol.
  13. I’m just reading you, and am astounded at all the complaining about a foot when I’ve had exactly one 12 inch snowfall in over a decade lol. when we bust here it either rains, or ices, or we get 6-8 inches and dry slotted after model runs show 12-16 inches for days….not to mention I can often drive 100 miles any direction and get twice the snow. Hell even my foot storm the last year 100 miles NE of me got 30 inches.
  14. I’d respond but don’t feel like getting five posted. I’ll just keep on tagging.
  15. If you want this move out to Pittsburgh. We have so many events over the years that we get 2 inches of snow, then ice, then plain rain.
  16. Surprise you? Until like a day ago they weren’t even close on the NE blizzard.
  17. If you guys think i’m bad there are dudes in the NE threads complainig about 10-15 inches sorry well as many in NYC complaining about 10+. dony forget too those areas pretty consistently see huge storms…16 inches last year was NYC’s 17th biggest total ever and would rank 6th here.
  18. Man, those NAM runs really have to give some major pause to the NYC area. It is a razors edge between 18 inches and 4 inches. Philly on those 0z runs is basically an advisory level event. The HRR on the other hand still puts over a foot in NYC and 8-10 inches in Philly.
  19. They probably can though...they've had SEVEN 20+ storms since 2000, and usually when they get those storms it isn't a snowglobe...its a full fledged blizzard.
  20. I do not envy any of the forecasters in NYC or Philly. A 25-50 mile shift can mean the difference between a run of the mill 6-8 inch storm and a historic 18+ inch storm.
  21. I think the limiting factor on the NESIS scale is how close to the coast everything will be. I think NESIS includes population impacted in its scale, so missing Philly and DC will really pull back that number. There is also a small Pittsburgh connection...Pitt bball is supposed to play Boston College tomorrow. My guess is that ain't happening.
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