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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. I can’t believe the amount of people, including some Mets, that melted down a bit at the 100mph advisory only to have it essentially Confirmed by recon an hour later.
  2. One thing to keep in mind with Tallahassee. If it gets in the eyeball it will be on the western side which is usually good, but we saw with Michael what a rapidly intensifying storm can do when Panama City got raked by the western side.
  3. That should settle the question on it being deserving of 100mph. That’s close enough.
  4. That high of 85 and low of 29 in the same day has to be wrong lol. 80 the day before and a 51 degree temp dro overnight?
  5. Who was the moron who tried to film in Mexico beach during Michael and had to break into someone’s house to survive?
  6. I just reread it. You’re right. I thought he meant it would be on the lower range of 4-7 feet
  7. So a TS with a similar track would be similar to a potential cat 3 storm? I don’t know if that makes sense?
  8. I think the evac order reflect this. A storm skirting the coast and land falling in the Big Bend area is a far worse scenario for the Tampa area than Ian was. The surge won’t be catastrophic in a place like Tampa but could still be very significant.
  9. People that get mad because they feel media or anyone else overhype storms are the worst. I would always much rather hype too Much than too little.
  10. I don’t know if this is legitimate but if it is this is what’s heading towards the https://twitter.com/harrisonkrank/status/1693345986419024099?s=21 southwest.
  11. He does this with every single tropical system. Ignore him.
  12. Death Valley received .42 inches of rain the last two hours. Not going to take much more of that to cause major issues there. areas in interior San Diego county are already at 1-2 inches with a bunch left to come.
  13. What a wild year for the mountains around San Diego. Six feet of snow and were there blizzard warnings to now tropical storm warnings?
  14. Also, does anyone have any idea on the 1938 storm actually being tropical or is that just a guess? I’m always dubious about those guesses on tropical systems in those days. I don’t remember the name of the storm but there was one apparently that went to Scandinavia as a tropical system in the 50’s?
  15. Really can’t believe there isn’t more discussions around this. This is likely something we won’t see again in our lifetimes and the interior flooding has a chance, as stated, to be 1000 year event. it’s kind of like the rareness of Ophelia a few years ago nearly making it to Ireland as tropical.
  16. There it is. A TS watch in California. The first time ever.
  17. I remember asking someone one time if they’d want a 120mph macroburst at their house and I was legit told yes. I got stuck in one in queens when seeing the pirates in I think 2009 and no way on earth I’d want that anywhere near me
  18. It was all north earlier. Essentially skipped us it seems
  19. Storm up near Youngstown has a pretty healthy looking cutlet. New castle really needs to watch out and over towards butler too if it holds together
  20. Yuck. My plan always is if there is a storm rolling towards us with a hail core is park at the casino
  21. There is some stuff back in Ohio moving towards us but it’s all below severe limits. Looks like a big flood threat too in WV as there is a ton of training happening
  22. I’m really ok with that. Some of the people on the central PA sub sound fairly nervous and that this is about as strong of a set up for tornado activity you can get. I don’t need tornadoes. Don’t need power outages. Kelp the cloud cover and limit instability here and I’m more than happy
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