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Everything posted by FXWX

  1. Always wary of overnight and predawn events regardless of lightness... Everyone has been advised and will be in touch with their DPW... Even a light coating on cold road surfaces during the overnight / predawn hours makes them nervous... Would expect minimal impacts if crews are proactive...
  2. If, big if, there is any widespread 1+ coverage, it's northern CT....far southern / coastal CT seems unlikely to get measurable...
  3. Actually, nothing out of the ordinary for many winters when you get a warm frontal passage due to the passage of a strong cutter; during which a brief (few hours) surge of warmth occurs; often its +50, and occasionally its 60+. Even during cold winters there is often a cutter or two that features warmth overwhelming the region; especially southeastern NY & SNE.
  4. Took a stroll through the casino yesterday and that was the same sentiment I heard from the folks crying as they sat in front of the slots!!! Lol
  5. Most of the time the final solution is a mix of pieces from several models. Folks fall in love with a particular model and facts be dam they think it performed better than all others... Was the Euro perfect? No! But when was was all said and done, it's 72 hr inward trends were best...
  6. Agree... Amazing how even after an event there is debate about how a model performed. RGEM certainly didn't perform well...
  7. Agree Tip... If that's your concern on Jan. 19th during a generally cold period, it might be time for a break. Just be happy we have a moderate event to track...
  8. The last thing the vast majority of the forum needs to be worried about is surface temps. Any marginal surface temps at onset will vaporize quickly... mid-January during a long running cold pattern with solidly cold / frozen ground surfaces losing much to melting at onset is not an issue.
  9. Win some; lose some!!! https://x.com/i/status/1880070171982778694
  10. I hear ya... general trends are all I deal with; there are no (zero) experts when it comes to the long-range stuff...
  11. Wiz... I actually see a lot of that in your forecasting... might be a good thing; might be a bad thing; lol
  12. I know Walt well, he's a good friend, great forecaster and a mentor; we often chat prior to noteworthy events. And while we all have different takes on various models; and I favor ones that have a long solid track (not perfect) record, and its known biases can be adjusted and applied to its current depictions. Even the lowly NAM is quite useful if you know how to read and adjust its tea leaves... Forecasters should use the models and techniques that they are most comfortable with; I have not been a big fan of the GGEM over the decades. I have found the Reggie good with significant ice accumulation events. The good thing about this science there is room for a variety of forecasting techniques depending on one's experiences. I have made a wonderful living doing this successfully for 40+ years, so what I use and prefer works for me; likely not for others. There are no perfect models, and they all fail miserably from time to time. The key to being successful is to know the strengths and weaknesses of the modeling, and more importantly don't take your eyes off of the meteorology; modelology (made up word) should not completely over-rule the actual meteorology of a particular event setup. As many of the mets on here have said over the years, you have to be able to say, does a particular model's output make sense with what we know about how the atmosphere usually behaves in a given setup. If not run away from it... My apologies if i sound snarky, but just not a big Reggie or GGEM fan, but if they works for others that's wonderful.
  13. I hear ya, and I do give a "glance" when close to a major event, but if I didn't have access to it, that wouldn't bother me; I feel that same about the ICON.
  14. Agree... A degree of my post was a bit in jest; I fully understand folks looking at as much info as possible, and looking for trends; once inside 36 hours, I also sneak a peak at the reggie during really big potential events in case a radically different solution points to a red flag...
  15. I know folks love looking at and posting about any model than can get their hands on, but I'm surprised by the amount of posts about the Reggie, the ICON, and yes even the global Canadian! Reggie will every once in a great while hit an event, but it is far from a consistently correct model. Decision makers never sit there and say, I can't wait to see the Reggie, ICON or the Canadian before I lock in my final forecast.
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