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Sophisticated Skeptic

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Everything posted by Sophisticated Skeptic

  1. It's an unusually cold and stormy pattern though. the winds have to be the only reason, right ?
  2. kinda surprised all the melt still going on, while it's been a very favorable pattern for ice the last week or so. Maybe dude saying that storm was going to rip the ice up is at-least partially right. And it's pretty rare for this part to be melting out ...no ?
  3. just goes to show how unpredictable things can be. late this past winter, I think most of us thought we'd have a great shot at challenging 2012 .
  4. and we wonder why cloud tops have been lowering over the years. sky falling yet..? kind of explains why flash floods have been more severe than in the past. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=3285
  5. anybody know if there's a free version of ECMWF...for forecasts over 7 days ? 7 to 10.... 7 to 15 ? oops, nevermind. found one http://www.ecmwf.int/products/forecasts/d/charts/medium/deterministic/msl_uv850_z500
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