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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Just seeing this. If it’s that…we def need a few to hit the upper end of 4-8. But let’s see how it all plays out. Like tropical, all you can ask for are chances.
  2. And to be clear I think it will be an objectively good stretch, but if we’re talking about getting back in the game to reach seasonal climo we need the 3-6 events to become 5-10, and the 6-12 to become 10-16. I think it’s doable, but warm noses, compression, and light qpf systems are caution flags imo. Not picking em up…just wary looking out the corner of my eye.
  3. I swear I’m not trying to be a Deb here, but we really need more than bloop singles in this next week. Everything looks like it’s all systems go, but I really need to see production that isn’t pennies and nickels in reality.
  4. I don’t think 3-6/4-8 is unreasonable for CT given where the models are right now, high res when it’s actually in a useful range pending.
  5. That last minute high res coup is worthy of applause. Tired of burning myself by repeatedly not listening to what I said weeks ago about literally no event coming easy but like you said, even 1-3 was a bit high. But it’s not just about snow totals for me. The other stuff (impact, timing) seems relatively in line with expectations.
  6. I had some wise ass comment but eh, why should we be surprised this winter. The snow fails but the mixed bag will be plenty impactful.
  7. If there have been any caution flags this winter you take em and run. Deeply skeptical of higher end stuff here but the potential for a modest snow event remains.
  8. I mean the snow seems like a bust, but the ice will produce. A very cold 20.5° with sleet and maybe a little more than a half inch of snow before the mix line blasted above me.
  9. Yeah. I had a first call of 1-3 statewide yesterday, but adjusted tonight given trend overnight and afternoon guidance. Specifically put in the forecast I thought most would land at 2-3, but wanted to account for a slightly higher possible ceiling inland. I’ll be pissed if the NAM scores a short range coup lol. Last forecast was fine, the one before that was the worst I’ve had in a while. Plenty of opportunities coming up…
  10. Def a red flag, would love to have hi res on board for once this winter.
  11. For me there’s objective and subjective criteria for a ratter. If I average 45-50 and I’m like half of that, it’s a rat or close to it. But was there a nice stretch in there or a really awful stretch? A bunch of factors apply for me.
  12. A colder trend would be great for mitigating the risk, which is definitely on the table given recent guidance. I love any wintry precip personally but when I lived in DC in my early 20s we had an ice event I’ll never forget. Walked outside to warm up the car and when I hit the first step down God as my witness I went flying. It’s a miracle I didn’t crack my skull but I have matching scars on my forearms as a reminder of what ice can do. Still loved that storm.
  13. Just speaking for CT, I agree with @weatherwiz and @FXWX. While it’s not a lot of precip in the whole scheme of things, the icing likelihood and timing is enough for widespread cancellations. You’re going to have pretty cold surfaces, and much of the state will be below freezing most of tomorrow. It doesn’t matter how “tough” you think you are—a glaze of ice will put you on your ass or send your car into something or someone. It’s not like society is shutting down for a week lol.
  14. That’s where my head is. If I can find time to write probably start with a 1-3” snow call statewide with mix to rain, widespread cancellations. Schools won’t risk it even if temps spike earlier in the day. I could see a final call that’s 2-4” with mix to dry slot/drizzle tomorrow.
  15. Snow globes never get old. 24/19 with a solid coating everywhere and good snow growth. In East Hartford.
  16. I’m the most down on winter here and even I don’t see that. I’m far from hopping a ride on the epic train, but I do think this reset has some legitimate promise in bringing a respectable winter month for most.
  17. Yeah—get as many rolls of the dice as possible during this reset.
  18. Final images from an odd month. Normal cold and…you know… Taken at the CT River in East Hartford.
  19. Yeah +1.2 (not including today) isn’t a disaster. BDR is -1.6. At home my monthly average is 27.4°. By far my coldest the last few years.
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