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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. The thing I like about chasing tropical is that usually you have a sense of something 5-10 days before gametime. I've gotten good enough sniffing out potential that I can reshape my calendar one or two weeks out and put in notice to take time off about 5-7 days out. Still tough because the peak of the season falls during our peak season, so my trips end up being quick turnaround, but it does make planning a lot easier. Quite a bit harder for blizzards and even more for LES, but still workable.
  2. I feel like I have a foot in two different generational mindsets. On one hand, I'm old school in the sense that I love work. I like being challenged, I like fighting to be the best at my craft, and I like being part of a team that's serious and purpose driven. Sitting idle is hard for me. I can't imagine stopping work to do something like retire early. On the other hand, I'm definitely of the mindset that environment and flexibility matter. The goal is to find fulfillment and happiness at the end of the day. Very millennial lol. Having done 100% WFH twice now in my career, I like being in the office more. There's just a lot of value to the daily formal and informal interactions and ease of person to person communication in my space. Ideally, things would be a hybrid for me with WFH but what's most critical to me is the flexibility to take accrued leave or go virtual whenever I need. That's been critical to my ability to pursue storm chasing and other passions, and will be helpful when I start a family. That said, you gotta be able to flip the switch back and forth to be a reliable team member. Not everyone can do that.
  3. If not for the pandemic I probably would have gotten 1-2 more chases in. I still got two in safely though. Can’t wait to hit the road this season.
  4. Don’t mind me, I’m just here waiting for the CSU hurricane season forecast to be released.
  5. Oh con law...those were the days
  6. Got shot 1 yesterday and was surprised by how much it put me down for about 12-16 hours. All good now.
  7. One of the great college basketball games of all time. Incredible.
  8. Congratulations. Hope you and yours have a happy and healthy summer.
  9. I also find it fascinating (after not knowing this until last year) how predictable the annual mortality number is, among other things. In a country of 330 million with a variety of health conditions and causes of death, just a slight variation year over year. We’re a lot more predictable as a species than we think, which is incredible to me when looking through an individualistic lens.
  10. When I was in college, I did a European history course and we spent significant time on the Black Death. It's hard to even wrap your head around what happened, or how prevalent things like smallpox, polio, and TB were just a few generations ago. We are very lucky to live during a time where medicine and science is so capable.
  11. Happy birthday! Life is short, youth is shorter. Enjoy it and remember that personal knowledge and growth is worth its weight in gold.
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