I agree with Phin that WFH is tough for a less mature professional. There's a lot that's lost in terms of mentorship and example setting when a new professional or someone that hasn't acquired higher level time management and communication skills. Those first years are really critical, especially in spaces where someone can quickly be overtaken or fall behind due to the pace of the job. The goal should be to become great in a career, not adequate at a job. That requires some discomfort which can be lost when a boss puts you on cruise control in a virtual environment.
The loyalty piece is interesting. I've kind of always viewed that as conditional. With the exception of one job, I've never really felt the need to island hop jobs because when I interviewed with each I made sure we were both clear on expectations and opportunities for growth. I've turned down much higher paying jobs because a current employer was clearly investing in me via mentorship, challenging work, etc..
It's business at the end of the day, but it's generally a bad idea to jump at the first or second sign of discomfort to make what's basically a lateral move. I see a fairly significant amount of that with some of my cohort.