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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. A few more years of unrelenting failure will fix this attitude. Wolfman will be as hairless as Kev by the time regime change mercifully happens in the 2030s.
  2. Are we sure about that, though? I’m not actually as convinced as I was last week that what we’re moving to is actually a solid snowstorm producing pattern in CT. Maybe a clipper or two, sure, but I can see suppression of anything significant with a trough that deep. Not trying to be a downer, I just don’t see the cold-(coastal) storm connection being a lock in the pattern.
  3. This. Idk how this’ll shake out, but I know I’d rather see this model mayhem than them all converging on a Cleveland cutter.
  4. Did that going into Buffalo two years ago for that epic LES event. It’s an experience.
  5. Yeah—I don’t think you’ve changed. If it’s interesting you’re interested.
  6. Yeah, this could go either way. This far out we’re just narrowing the envelope of possibilities. Our horrific half decade doesn’t factor into whether any discrete window this season produces. We definitely need a good cold source though, especially this time of year.
  7. I’ll never forget my brother and I being outside as kids and playing football when I experienced thundersnow for the first time. A huge crack of thunder out of nowhere sent us running inside. Left the ball outside and everything lol.
  8. There is absolutely nothing like football played in the snow.
  9. I think one of the biggest stories of this subforum is that of all the weenies here, winter has broken you the most. I remember a time when you preached optimism and patience. The past half decade of futility has throughly beaten that out of you. Puts Scooter’s heel turn to shame lol.
  10. I hear that. I don’t think the heat means that much though in terms of impactful drought—I don’t recall any summer droughts causing this level of fire danger. Fortunately, that’s all coming to an end.
  11. I dare say this has been an epic “flash” drought. Far more impactful imo than a summer one where there’s little precipitation, but daily dews are in the 60s or 70s.
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