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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Truly truly wonderful I have to find the original image lol I only have a copy right now.
  2. Huge fire on Long Island with the smoke plume showing up on radar.
  3. With respect to those still tracking wintry chances, now that we’re in March I figured it’s time to fire up the grading thread. It’s another F for me, although the very wintry period and glacier in February, along with below zero temperatures here in central CT in January made that F a little harder to get to. Still, however, I ended up sub 20” of snow again and somehow worse off than last year. Even when I canceled winter in January my prediction for snowfall for the rest of the season was too optimistic which is insane. Good years will return eventually, but of the last seven here, only one got close to climo.
  4. I can’t wait for the rubber band to snap back. I had a tortured relationship with this winter lol but I always genuinely appreciate any chance for wintry wx. I take nothing for granted.
  5. Ok I’m going to get serious here. I know there’s a lot of apprehension right now, but one of the best lessons I’ve learned in life is this: what seems like a crossroads or inflection point today is often a footnote in your story years later. You should be immensely proud of what you’ve accomplished, and excited for your life and career ahead. I know you know that life and careers aren’t a straight line and certainly not as illuminated a path as we hope, but you will find your place, even if it takes a little time. Be encouraged, enjoy your final semester, and remember that hard work, openness to challenge, determination, and just being a good person that people want to be around can take you a very long way.
  6. Interesting season. I doubt I see more meaningful snow but I had the longest snow cover since 2021. This year was more enjoyable for a time but had less snow than last year. I canceled winter in January but was like 50% too optimistic on snow for the rest of the season. March will probably be a torch for a time here followed by cold and rain into April lol.
  7. And you know the sweet relief of the reaper’s blade is soon to arrive when we’re grasping at the CRAS and SREFs!
  8. I, for one, am VERY upset that I was not mentioned by name. I knew I should’ve reaped you when I had the chance. I came to this place because it was an opportunity to share my love of wx with others and despite the absurdity of this place the fundamental love of wx is what keeps me here. Cheers
  9. Long days, the beach, beers and backyard bbqs—it’s hard to beat.
  10. Yeah that was spectacular. Don’t get me wrong—still like a good winter—but it’s easily fall, summer, spring, and winter in my order of enjoyment.
  11. Will can probably speak to both of these in greater detail.
  12. We get some real nice days in March and April down here. It’s not misery mist ATT like eastern Mass and mud in NNE. I actually like CT springs for the most part. We’ve had some good wintry months in March too obviously. I think that first warm stretch when we have a higher sun angle and more daylight though triggers the desire for a new season. I enjoy every season we get. I don’t really want 60° on March 1 any more than I want 30° (high) on March 20.
  13. I’m not quite there yet, but I’ll be pulling for warmth soon if we can’t get snow/ice production going again. We’re on the Climo clock anyway down here. March can be a very wintry month but after the 15th or so it becomes tough sledding. That was interesting. IIRC that Memorial Day weekend was miserable though.
  14. We definitely don’t live there. They’ve had better storms and more snow.
  15. I had no idea you were out there in ‘22. That was such an awesome time.
  16. Now where oh where have I heard that before…
  17. I appreciate that it hasn’t been a blowtorch, but every time a southern city verifies what would be a warning level event here—when I’ve gotten nowhere close—the season loses a letter grade. First New Orleans & Pensacola. Now Virginia Beach. It’s unacceptable.
  18. I mean I was prescient enough to cancel winter in January. But 70s and sun is nowhere around the corner so we might as well hold onto pack as long as the cold is around.
  19. I think it’s just another tool in the toolbox. It rarely ever leads. In my tropical tracking, it led the way with Beryl’s landfall zone but that’s about it.
  20. Honestly, we need less eye candy and just continued production. I can live with 2-4, 3-5” events every few days that build on the current glacier. Although reaching climo is probably lost to some of us, I don’t think wintry events are done in SNE.
  21. Absolute glacier. I ice picked through Christmas lights encased in ice lol.
  22. Weird year. I want to give it an F but I don’t know if I can given the snowfall retention, white Christmas, and below zero temperature in January. I’m still sub 20”.
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