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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Wait that doesn’t look like deep winter to you?
  2. Yeah, doesn’t look very busy. Certainly won’t be generating much traffic charging 123 for that
  3. Just checked there website. $123 for the day to ski a ribbon of slush surrounded by mud. Woof
  4. Attitash blows but this is bad even for them
  5. The numbers are what the numbers are. There is a reason when we are skunked through December into Jan, the numbers aren’t good. Too much ground to make up.
  6. When I went on my ski trip last Jan North Conway was bare ground when we got there. They got a storm that night and it was off to the races for a few weeks but I had never seen bare ground up there at that time of the season, even in “bad” years
  7. This has been mentioned a lot. Source region is just puke still for the most part.
  8. People citing 2015 as an example of a late season start are just deluding themselves. You can’t use a once in a lifetime turnaround as a benchmark for why this season could End up okay. Like I said earlier, you can only can kick so much before you are out of time.
  9. What’s an appropriate worry timeline? If we have nothing after first week of Jan?
  10. Yawn, been there, done that. Hasn’t snowed in nearly two years, we numb
  11. Yeah, it’s been varying degrees of suck honestly. Can’t keep kicking the can forever
  12. I wasn’t being disrespectful, it was a serious question. You call it pessimism, I call it being realistic. This season has blown chunks so far and it looks like we’ll continue to sit on our hands for the foreseeable future
  13. Pretty much. Color me skeptical we are going to get a great 4-6 week stretch at this point though. Clocks now ticking
  14. Is this a weather forum or fantasy land? The weather is what the weather is, period.
  15. Yeah we’ll agree to disagree there. Maybe you are right. I never like the idea of trying to cram climo snow into a month. Lot can go wrong. 2015 is never walking through that door again.
  16. That’s a lot of time to waste TBH. If we are skunked into late month it’s going to be a tough lift to get close to climo.
  17. SNE is still going to have issues moving forward. Hopefully good enough for ski country
  18. I’ll help you out, it’s not better, unless you like rain.
  19. Close the shades. Heinous gfs run. Not much going on until a massive cutter at the end of the run
  20. It’s been showing up on multiple sets of guidance for several days now. My advice is people prepare accordingly
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