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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Grass popping up all over as of this morning. 11 days after planting
  2. Thanks for the responses... I figured cool weather may slow it down. Still nada as of today... hopefully a bit warmer tomorrow and we’ll see something pop
  3. Planted grass out front last Saturday... weeds popping but no sign of grass... how long does it usual take to start seeing anything?
  4. So the guy who installed water softener and carbon filter came back out after water pressure dropped significantly after installation of system. Swapped the carbon filter for a sediment filter and so far... cold water doesn’t smell and pressure is about normal... good news on that front. He also shocked the hot water tank with chlorine to possibl help rid of sulfur/egg smell. I’m guessing there was a ton of bacteria or build up in the tank because he had to put 2 gallons of chlorine in before it even registered in the House hot water. Smell is already back... not as potent.. but back. My guess is I’m replacing the water heater... not going to throw money at possible fixes that may not even work.
  5. Slow but steady progress on my disaster here. Got about half the front yard loamed and seeded... more loam to come Tuesday and will have entire front yard seeded by middle of this week. Planted a few dwarf Alberta spruce, azaleas and some ground cover type stuff as well.
  6. That’s a lot of loam. I’ll be doing my whole yard with about 25... granted it’s only a quarter acre lot... but still
  7. Well water blows. This is turning into an expensive endeavor trying to get this right. Water softener and carbon filter goes in... water pressure plummets. Going to have to add a sediment filter now.
  8. So I found a 50 gallon electric... different brand than I have now for a little over 400$ Anyone know what the install is roughly for this type of thing? If we already have the new heater on site?
  9. Didn’t realize they were only 300/400$... might be better than chasing an issue in a potential ruined tank
  10. Not really... maybe a tad. The house was started in 2015... but not finished until late last year do to court proceedings with a contractor... so my guess is tank was put in around 2015 and just sat and it has been un treated well water until Wednesday Inside of tank might be toast.
  11. So we just had a water softener and carbon filter installed because our well water was high in iron and had a very foul odor. This cost over $2300 dollars. The cold water is now clean with no odor, but the hot water, while clear, has a horrific sulfur/rotten egg smell. After doing some research, looks like the hot water heater, specifically the anode rod, could be to blame? Anyone have experience with this, and did replacing the anode rod help? Just trying to get an idea before I have a plumber come out and drop a couple hundred more on this.
  12. I don’t really care for mulch either. I just spread several yards of p stone under the deck and along the back of the house to help with drainage and to form a base for an eventual patio. Expensive, but looks great. Considering using stone as an alternative to mulch once I get the grass down and start doing some planting’s. Mulch loses its appeal quick... and needs to be done every single year.
  13. I’m throwing down like 4-6” of loam and am going to seed the shit out of it and see what happens.
  14. So the guy across the street used some sort of fertilizer today, so I’m going to talk to him to see what he uses and how deep his well is (guessing they are all similar).
  15. Ha thanks man. Been kind of a crazy year... but sometimes things just work out I guess.
  16. Can lawn fertilizer be used as normal with a well? Or is there something special I should buy?
  17. Just bought a house as many of you know. Yard is an absolute disaster. It’s a new build, and the sellers wanted nothing to do with landscape. Will do before and after pictures. Phase 1 this weekend is putting stone down behind the house and under the deck
  18. Officially bought my first house today. Absolutely crazy feeling
  19. Also, should be a good bit of melting when this pulls out today
  20. Made a decision to drive to Duxbury early. Left at midnight. Roads are atrocious... looks like 3” down at least here. Hard to imagine school being held with the peak 3-7am
  21. Gotta drive from Taunton to Duxbury... thinking of leaving at 2am... might I miss the brunt that early?
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