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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Snooze fest here... does t look like anything interesting today
  2. Might be a question for @BrianW ... what’s solar going to cost me to install? My house I’ve seen on some sights is rated 94/100 for solar, and I do get a ton of direct sun... so it might be worth it. might be cost prohibitive to get going though
  3. Rain fail here... home station showing .09”
  4. Think we’re dry until after lunch in Duxbury?
  5. That’s a northern water snake. We had one in our basement when I was younger when someone left the basement door open... it was nearly 6 feet long and fat
  6. Dry day so far in Duxbury.... is that rain even going to make it here?
  7. Yeah.... didn’t even register any measurable at home. Could prob use a little rain at this point
  8. Seems the more I talk about my water, The worse it gets. Water now has a black tinge to it as of this morning
  9. I had a water test done when we moved in to dictate what type of water system(s) we needed. Water is incredibly high in iron... but other than that... pretty mundane. We are in a new development on the edge of conservation land... so fortunately... not overly concerned about oil tanks and things of that nature. Either way, I haven’t drank the water. We have a cooler and Poland springs delivers 5 gallon jugs. My well is 180 feet deep.
  10. Yeah... the softener has basically solved the iron/rust issue for us... but same issues with the sediment. Cold water occasionally has a smell too. Sucks
  11. The house sat for a while without use after the well was drilled. So these past two months are the first time it’s getting steady usage I talked to my neighbor earlier and he said it took about a year for everything to “settle” as he described... and he had a crap load of sediment in that time frame. i took my sediment filter out today and hosed it off as a temp solution until the ones I ordered come in. Ordered these https://www.amazon.com/Icepure-Sediment-Activated-Compatible-GXWH40L/dp/B01N2H2OO6/ref=gp_aw_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=X04268TXA5MDM629CNMV. One thing I find odd is the filter housing is after the water softener. It was professionally installed, so hopefully that means nothing, but it definitely seems backwards from a logical standpoint
  12. So is that your guess? It’s grayish and only visible in the toilets where the water sits... nothing in sinks showers etc. Not coarse to the touch. After I made that post I took a peek at the sediment filter. It’s filthy... so I’m going to replace tomorrow to see what that does. I’m a little concerned about the amount of sediment given the filter is only ~6ish weeks old. I guess there is r anything I can do but replace the filter often
  13. Thanks for the info. Also, yourself or anyone else have any experience with the following? Had a water softener and sediment filter installed almost 2 months ago. For about a week I’ve been noticing a blackish/gray like substance in the toilet bowl. Silt like how I would describe it. Is this sediment and indicative of a filter needing change? Water pressure has no changes FWIW.
  14. Sorry for all the home questions lately.... but here goes another. So my neighbors well has water literally coming out of the well head and flowing down the side of the casing that’s visible above ground. What the heck is that all about? Is there so much water/pressure the static water level is coming to the surface?
  15. Just take it one at a time... start with easy ones to free up space for the more problematic ones. Takes some practice but I’m sure you could probably do most of them yourself over time.
  16. The biggest issue is it’s not like 95% are experienced climbers. Basically anyone with money can take a crack at it, and if you hire enough help, all you have to do is basically show up. Look at the pics coming out of there... it’s turned into an absolute clown show. Its certainly not just the worlds most experienced climbers. Ive never climbed a mountain in my life... but if I had 100k to throw around... I bet I’d be there climbing next year
  17. Yeah I’d skip the willow unless you have a gigantic property. I’ve had several people tell me absolutely no dice with a well.
  18. Sort of a weird question... but here it goes. On my central air unit... air is on and coming out of vents in house... but compressor or fan is not spinning on the Unit outside of the house. It didn’t appear anything was tripped but I turned AC off... reset the breaker, and turned unit back on. At that point.. fan on outside unit was spinning. Is this supposed to be spinning whenever air is blowing inside? And if it is, what could be causing the fan to not spin, but air still being distributed through the house
  19. Read up on the treatment of these sherpas. Paid like dog sh*t, and have no choice to do this work as it’s really the only work available to them. Its a selfish bucket list item to rich adventure seekers.
  20. beds on either side of stairs... new planted tree... some grass and a lot of weeds.... lots of work too do.
  21. Got a bunch of phlox ground cover for 50% off today.. nice way to spruce up the beds with some color. Mulched the beds out front today. And planted two 6-8’ tall flowering peach trees
  22. Yeah... after some reading I think that’s correct. The tires make it “unsafe”, therefore it cannot be driven. I knew the tires prob wouldn’t pass, but worth a shot anyway. Is what it is... $900 and change for new tires to be put on and I’ll have it back and passes tomorrow.
  23. Seems like I could have driven away with it. I left it to have the repairs done... but mostly because I thought I had no choice
  24. Anyone familiar with MA vehicle inspection laws? My car failed inspection today for a blown out bulb running light, and worn tires. The guy said my car was “grounded” and that it would basically be illegal to drive it home. He said I could have it towed or leave it to be fixed. What happened to 60 days with a rejection sticker?
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