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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I plan on planting more grass and slice seeding first week of September. My other Azalea bush is now browning as well. I wonder if full sun is too much? Or a soil composition issue? When we bought the house the entire front yard was sand. I added about 4-6” of loam over the entire thing and planted what I did. So it’s 4-6” of loam a layer of sand... maybe 4-6” as well? And then more regular soil below that. Could that layer of sandy garbage be screwing with some plants? I figured the roots would take hold deeper than that
  2. Makes sense. Have had like 2 tenths of an inch in the last 3 weeks or so. Very dry here
  3. Home station down to 61 already here... can we crack upper 40s?
  4. Meh.... .21” of rain here.... hardly a decent drink
  5. Not a drop of rain here so far. Things are pretty crispy around here
  6. Looks like we’re going to get porked here. We need the rain
  7. Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on here? The taller tree is a false cypress and I’ve already trimmed a bunch of browning branches off it and you can see it looks like the whole tree has it. The smaller one is a dwarf Alberta that’s been in the ground since April and is suddenly showing showing signs of browning. False cypress has been in since early July.
  8. Maybe? I’d like to think I didn’t overdue it... but anything is possible I suppose. Here it is.
  9. Watered basically daily unless we received rain
  10. Anyone have an idea why an azalea would die suddenly? i bought and planted in early spring and it flowered and has looked fine. Literally over the last 3 days the entire thing save for a few green branches has turned browned and dropped off. No idea why. Other one on the other side of the stairs is fine
  11. 81 here with a decent breeze.... not horrible
  12. Sneaky one of my favorite events over the last decade. Half foot of snow at home. We never get Measurable that early... never mind warning criteria
  13. We meh here... some thunder in the distance but basically dry so far
  14. I’m soaking up all I can from everyone. My neighbors have been really good. I’m a pretty young homeowner, so I’m glad someone would take the time to show me these things. I thought it was a float issue, but if the floats kicked on when lifted... hoping it was as simply as water screwing with the wires. Definitely a wake up call from renting. Everything going on is now my problem, and I have to fix it. Taking the time to learn and troubleshoot definitely beats paying $1000+ for a new pump
  15. So my neighbor and I pulled up the pump and hoses the floats and pump off. He noticed some water in the electrical box inside the tank... he thinks wires may be tripping the breaker as they occasionally come in contact with the water. We dried the box and wires off and sealed it up properly. Reset breakers and manually lifted first and second floats (normal running conditions) and the pumped kicked on as it was supposed to. Hopefully that was the issue and it’s veen solved
  16. It was working on its own when I pulled the cover friday... so it seems like an intermittent issue. I’m going to call and have someone take a look at it
  17. Anyone here have experience with a grinder sewer pump up system? We have a pump in a septic style small pit that pumps sewage out to the main line. Alarm has gone off twice in the last week for levels above normal within the tank. We switch the pump to “hand” and it pumps all the way down. What would be the reason for it not kicking on normally when in “auto”? Floats not working properly? Electrical issue? My guess is the pump itself is okay because when manual it pumps fine
  18. Done trying for grass for now. Some good, some bad. Will get some more loam and seed in the fall. Planted 6 false cypress today and a decent size limber pine that I got for half off. Looks like a nice full tree that grows about 25’ tall.
  19. Home station reading about .50” when I got home.... not a bad drink
  20. Looks like we miss in se mass today.... sucks.... we could use a shower or two
  21. Yeah.... I’m going to have someone come out and make sure all the debris is out of there... hopefully it doesn’t cost an insane amount
  22. Propane heat and electric hot water tank. the last portion of nest I pulled out was packed and the shape of the pipe, so I’d like to think tha was the nd of it... but I truthfully have no idea.
  23. More house questions!! So yesterday I discovered birds have been nesting in the intake air pipe to the furnace... as you know... the house had been sitting a while after it was built before we moved in, so we theorize the birds have been there for quite some time. I was able to create a tool that reaches about 20 feet down the pipe and pulled out a bunch of nest material. It’s difficult to tell if I got it all, because the pipe turns at about 20 feet. my question is, what else can I do? I can’t reach further down the pipe and don’t know if any other solutions. I bought a device to put over the pipes today, so I will do that... but as far as what’s left? Also, those intake and exhaust pipes have absolutely nothing to do with the central air, correct?
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