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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. @dryslot. Not sure if you’ve had a chance to speak with your buddy about my well situation. I spoke to a plumber today and he said my best bet is to contact a well company and have them treat the well itself with some chemical. He said it would rid the smell for a couple years anyway. So you or anyone else for that matter know what this could be? I can’t really find any information on a company coming out and just dumping something in
  2. Yes, a family member is a nurse and said something similar. It also doesn’t help that the symptoms at least initially could be just about anything, so people have a fever and there mind instantly goes to that mosquito bite they got a few days ago. It definitely makes you think twice about being outside at peak times even though it’s quite rare. The reality is if you get it, the outcomes more than likely aren’t pleasant, even if you survive
  3. I rushed home from work to spread grass seed thinking it would get a nice soaking. Looks like I’ll be watering tomorrow.
  4. We dry here. Looks like precip is going to struggle to make it this far
  5. I guess that’s the issue where facing... it’s a dead end street off another dead end street. Not sure what the amount would need to be for them to consider, but I guess that number isn’t being hit
  6. That would be fantastic. I’m eager to here his opinion. Thanks for the help.
  7. Good call. Hadn’t thought of that. I was looking into treating the “sulfur” smell and it looks like aeration is the way to go for either of those 2 issues. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Air-injection-Silver-AIS10-25SXT-Injection/dp/B004FVZHLC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=sulfur+smell+water+filter&qid=1567647132&s=gateway&sprefix=sulfur+smell+&sr=8-3 Already have spent 3k on the system what’s another thousand I guess
  8. They’ve already tried. Our only shot is if the Raynham water eventually makes its way down here. But this street was built on the edge of the hockomock and it was all just woods here, according to the folks at the top of the road that have been here for decades before the street was built. Im curious if it has something to do with proximity to swampy lands. It’s a weird setup I admit. I was stunned when I saw well water but city sewer. Usually those go hand in hand
  9. It’s strange I know. And the house is basically brand new. Last house built on the street where they started building like 5 years ago. Everyone has town sewer sewer but the water stops about a mile from here. Why it doesn’t keep going, no idea.
  10. This is a little sliver of Taunton in Raynham... the rest of Taunton is on the other side of 495. It’s weird. We have Raynham sewer and mail. The town water stops about a mile from here. The water is hot garbage here. The water test has nearly 7ppm iron.
  11. 180’. We have a softener followed by a carbon filter. We had a bad sulfur smell when we moved in and the carbon filter has done a pretty good job of controlling that. And suddenly right after the rain the smell was horrible out of nowhere. Just replaced the filter 2 weeks ago as well
  12. Any well water people here know if a heavy rain can cause a funky smell in the water? We got nearly 2” of rain Monday night in a short period and yesterday morning the water smelled horrible and still does
  13. How late can I plant new grass here? I had planned to do it this weekend but I probably won’t get around to it.
  14. .77 total.... pretty meh considering the modeled totals coming out over the last few days
  15. The mosquitos were absolutely horrible here shortly after we moved in.... I’d never seen Anything like it. I grew up on a small swamp/pond and they were never as bad as they were here. We have had trucks spraying since like beginning of June pretty much weekly down our street. And then the aerial spraying last week
  16. Whopping .37” as I head to bed. Not holding out much hope for anything else overnight. We’ll see
  17. Looks like 4 confirmed human cases so far. They were spraying right overhead last week. Live right on the Hock
  18. Suns poking out here. Lol. Can’t make this stuff up
  19. .25” down to a sprinkle at the moment
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