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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I’d say 2-3” of rain in this area... if everything comes together someone could see 4”... hard to buy these 6-7” totals
  2. RI it is. Was at twin river sports book last week
  3. Already in the low 40s here. Was outside grilling and not a bug to speak of.
  4. Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Hopefully we can salvage at least a dry ceremony... supposed to be held outdoors
  5. So I threw bulbs in a few weeks ago to come up next year. The issue is, some of them are sprouting up right now. Are these ruined or will they come up in the spring? Should I cut them? Leave them?
  6. I’m getting married next Saturday... any way we can salvage a decent day?
  7. Cars and stairs very icy.... refreshing outside for sure
  8. Hoping we can frost or freeze the next couple of nights here in the swamp to get rid of these mosquitos
  9. .47 last night... woke up to a deluge. New grass approves
  10. Could happen again. Who knows. Felt like it snowed everyday. I remember out of nowhere a random squall/shower just sat over us for a few hours and dumped 4-5” that nobody saw coming.
  11. Yup.... we are the hockomock here. I’ll keep everyone updated on any Bigfoot sightings or animal mutilations
  12. Yup.... should be some good fake cold mornings here over the next couple months.
  13. Got down to 36 at my house this morning. Sat out on the deck last night and there were very few, if any mosquitos
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