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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. When in doubt.... go average. Id say we are good for a solid 40” around here, one way or another. My guess is we see a backloaded winter like we’ve seen quite a bit
  2. If last years will not work, can I have the new credentials. Thanks again
  3. If I didn’t know any better id think we were in for a soaking tonight
  4. ORH is turning into maple hollow. A magical place that isn’t affected by the warmth the rest of the region experiences
  5. 1-3 flakes maybe.... wasn’t anything to write home about, rain or snow
  6. I’d be okay with it.... the wiring on my street (newer development) is all underground. Doesn’t help when someone hits a pole down the street though. It’s not unlike all the other infrastructure in this area... antiquated and in need of serious upgrades/replacement
  7. How much snow did they end up getting? I don’t remember getting a damn thing here... very localized
  8. Yeah obviously it’s more economical in more densely packed areas, but it should start somewhere. I agree, tough in rural areas. However, you’d think issues and maintenance once it was installed would be significantly less than current values. I mean.... how much money are we spending every time we get a storm like this or someone crashes into a pole, etc etc. can’t be cheap. Might pay for itself In the long run
  9. Winds were more impressive during the day down here I think. We never lost power. TMLP for the win.... I’ve never lose power for more than a few hours in my 25 years.
  10. I’m going to guess the winds never materialized here based on the fact that the mums on the front steps didn’t move an inch... looks like we got nearly 2.5” of rain though
  11. Been a while since we had a real good December storm around here. I think Boxing Day was the last one if I remember correctly.
  12. Hopefully this produces more than ~1” of rain over three days like the meheaster last week
  13. Ended up with roughly an inch of rain from the 3 days. Big fail on modeled totals, but we take the rain.... grass looks great
  14. This weather is great for my new grass. Coming In like carpet
  15. That is almost unbelievable. Lush to that in a few months? That sucks
  16. Proving pretty difficult to get any rain in here today. Painfully slow process
  17. Tomorrow looks pretty wet here. Rain totals could be decent
  18. You did all you could. I wouldn’t feel comfortable having a strange dog coming into the house. They should have come to pick it up. My fiancé stopped in the middle of 138 to let a dog jump into the car that was running lose. The dog was dull of fleas and ticks and was trying to nip at us. It was an awful situation and animal control basically told her not to do that again. We love animals and dogs, but sometimes you have to watch for your own safety
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