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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Last nights runs didn’t look great to me unless you were in far NNE, and trend isn’t your friend either.
  2. Yeah... they’ve done fine.... lots of hyperbole.... you’d think it never snowed up there with the way SE mass snow is referenced
  3. Exactly... so we know that run isn’t right. If it doesn’t snow in SE Mass, did it snow at all?
  4. CMC is frigid for next weeks storm... hard to believe we can get that type of system this early but seems we have some multi model support... at least for cold
  5. Is there any contracts or anything written out? I bought a house on a dead end that is responsible for plow costs (private road) and insuring a small parcel of private land that is right off the road owned by the association. the plow costs are split between everyone... my HOA dues are 625$ a year. The house I bought was in litigation with a builder for a while and when settled, back dues were paid... so even though nobody was living in the home and it wasn’t even finished... the owner of the property was responsible for their portion of the dues. My take... he owns the property... he should chip in... who knows what kind of emergency access he may need, or if he ever decides he wants to visit the plot
  6. Lol... on November 5th. That has to be a record.
  7. The common denominator is not much south of the pike. That seems to be coming into focus if nothing else. Sloppy coating at the end here is my guess.
  8. Yeah.... this is probably going to be pretty meh for most south and east of ORH.. Maybe we can finish it up with a sloppy 1”? Its wicked early down here. Not that it can’t happen... but odds are strongly stacked against it
  9. CMC looks like it would be a decent event Looks wet at the start for some though
  10. Oh Canada! We stand on guard for theeeeee. ill take my 12-16” and run. Thanks
  11. I guess Tolland moved to the white mountains? Its the first week of November.... of course this is a CNE NNE deal. Takes something very anomalous for us to snow this early
  12. Would sanitizing the well first be worth it? Maybe to avoid the light? I just feel whatever is causing the issue will come back
  13. I’m with you, it definitely sticks out. Not as bad as Boston obviously... but it does seem rather cool.
  14. Yeah... that’s a slingshot in the opposite direction. And I’m not surprised with what you said in your previous post about skiers on social media. Everyone takes the best case scenario and attempts to contort themselves into believing it’s normal and will happen every year. Not too dissimilar to what we see on this forum
  15. So I had my well water tested again.... tested positive for total coliform bacteria. Water guy guesses that’s either causing/contributing to the smell I’ve had. Options are shock the well or just go straight to a UV light. Any suggestions? Anyone have experuence with a UV light? Id hate to shock the well only for it to return in short order... even though I may be jumping the fun on a UV light
  16. Yeah... he mehed his way to a jackpot. I don’t hate the tactic... just be fair about it. People rag on me for being a Debbie and then they do it themselves. Don’t hate the player, hate the game
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