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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. This is one of those setups where we’d get into this timeframe and it would go from looking like dog sh*t to a legit winter storm up until go time in years past. I think our luck has run out in that regard the last couple of seasons. Climo
  2. Meh here.... unless this ticks a good amount in the next few days. Maybe we get an inch or two... going to need big changes for more than that
  3. Yeah the icon is a rain to flip to some decent snow on Sunday.... night even be a burst of moderate to heavy verbatim
  4. Will do thanks. I knew he did something like that but I wasn’t sure exactly what his area was or what type of rentals he was involved with. Would love some insight @alex if you have a chance
  5. Truly one of those “glad we don’t live there” days. You guys can keep the sleet and ice up north
  6. Anyone got any good vacation home/condo rental spots in NH for the summer? My wife and I have kind of kicked around the idea of renting a house or condo for a week instead of staying right in North Conway. it could be just the two of us or her siblings and their spouses as well, depending on what we find. Just kicking the tires. Want to try to do something a bit different for once
  7. Yeah that’s really bad for this time of year... holiday week is shot obviously, but hopefully start building a pack.
  8. My brother was skiing in the whites yesterday.... he said those areas desperately need some snow. Good for them... this should help
  9. Interesting thanks. Hopefully any sleet is minor and we just do a cold rain here. Would rather not be called in for plowing and salting
  10. Thoughts for here Scott? We don’t see to be in a great position for the cold drain, as it’s more west of here
  11. Yup... I mentioned that to the water guy and he said that’s another possibility as well. As you stated, he said that can be a pricey fix so he said you lose nothing to start off with a round of disinfecting. And if it comes back, we start digging deeper
  12. Should just be a cold rain here... and we are thankful for that
  13. That’s plausible.... I think it was woods... but the folks next door to the development have horses and what not, so it’s definitely possible that is what’s happening
  14. He said there’s a ton of reasons... may not have been sealed properly, wasn’t disinfected after installation, water sat for a long time before we bought the house... could have been in the lines to the house. It’s 180 feet... so not super deep... but also not shallow
  15. @dryslot and others who have given me feedback on my well water situation. My water treatment guy came and did a bacteria test and it came back positive for total coliform bacteria. His recommendation was to shock the well, which is what I did... let it sit in the line for a day and the smell has since disappeared. Quite happy that (at least for now) something simple solves the problem.
  16. As bob said earlier... TMLP for the win. Keeps energy costs down and also I’m about to turn 26 and have never personally lost power for more than a few hours. Also... my neighbor across the street has a gigantic diesel generator and he said he has no problem running extension cords to peoples houses and has done it in the neighborhood. So I don’t really see the need to buy one. The only thing I’m really concerned with is my sump pump, at that has a battery backup capable of pumping over 15000 gallons of water. So god forbid that failed, I could run a cord across from my neighbors house to get that running. As for this event, no concerns here. Cold rain
  17. Ice? Sure. You can have it, too. I want no part of ice down this way.
  18. How much did you pay him to try to sled down grass?
  19. Yes, absolutely. I think that absolutely plays a large role as well. The house retains heat pretty well.
  20. My parents had two mini splits in their house and they worked well, but their electric bill skyrocketed. Outside of solar... I think more or less you’re just picking which energy source you want to spend your money on. We have a 500 gallon buried propane tank that is responsible for heat only. When we bought the house last year we filled it for $1000 and to this point, have only used 10% of the tank since turning the heat on last month. I’m not sure we’ll make it through the entire winter... but based on what I was paying for natural gas in my smaller condo... this will be cheaper and more efficient, at least personally. Propane also burn pretty clean compared to oil, etc.
  21. The rain snow line literally sat over Taunton Green for most of the storm... I had over 6” in that... never rained here
  22. Looks like a couple flakes from those squalls
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