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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Just got in... roads are meh. Maybe 3/4” I think people started to believe their own spinning of this event. Most people get 3/4”... some maybe get 5”. Anybody expecting more than that weren’t basing forecasts in reality. One of those deals when you spew so much crap, you start to actually believe it
  2. NAM would really slam coasts of CT RI and SE Mass for a while. Could Be a nice surprise for those folks
  3. NAM bumped up across the board at 00z... has like 4-6” for many
  4. Gunna meh your way to another half footer. Congrats
  5. Yup... lol. All I can hear in my head too is him saying it. Hopefully this trends a little juicier and there is a lot of blehhhhing going on Sunday
  6. Yeah... if I had to pick a number for TAN I’d probably go 4”.... at least it’ll be wintry
  7. 3-5” with an isolated 6” would be my forecast for Mass Conn and RI... everyone away from the canal in that range
  8. Makes sense.... there is very little confidence anyone will see warning amounts... let alone a large enough majority to justify a warning. I promise you though... a few people will get 6 or 7” and you’ll here “blehhhhhhhhh, should have been a warning, we got 7 inches!!”
  9. NAM looks good... pretty much all frozen here... maybe some brief drizzle at the end.... 3-4” looks like a good call here
  10. Never ends up where modeled... as I’ve recalled many people saying before when the min is over them
  11. I even think any change here is at the very end and basically has no bearing on snow totals. Looks cold
  12. Yup.... we may have to wear it. You can pretty much punt any long range NAO too the moon.... it’s not going to happen
  13. Yeah... looks good. Looks like any rain off the cape would be at the very end and really means very little. 3k gets rain to about TAN but it’s at the very very end. Nice to see a somewhat more pronounced thump so far at 00z
  14. NAM looks pretty good... generally 3-6”... bumped up some
  15. Didn’t you get like 2 feet last month?
  16. Euro looks good. 3-5 across all of SNE off the cape
  17. If we can ramp it up a tick in the next 36 hours they might be okay. Im sure some NAM run tomorrow will give everyone 8-12”
  18. Yeah.... I’ve about had it already. This past weekend was fantastic, hopefully more of that if we aren’t looking at legit snow prospects. Too keep it on topic... 12z runs look like a mess for snow lovers
  19. ORH area has done as well as anybody in this recent stretch. They’re due for some rats just like everyone else. I think it may have been ray that said they always seem to be just far enough north west East or south to get in on good snow in this recent snowy run
  20. Fat lady is warming up. Another 10 days with a meager outlook... look out
  21. This season is going to have to sh*t or get off the pot I think in the next 10-15 days. Conflicting signs in the medium term.... could easily strike out in the next few weeks... very plausible path to not much happening. If we get into the first week of feb and the only thing we’ve had is this dog sh*t SWFE this weekend.... might be time to shut it down.
  22. Yeah it’s mid Jan. The novelty of 1-2” has worn off. I mean.... it is what it is, and if it doesn’t rain it’ll look nice... but meh
  23. No posts in an hour tell you exactly where this is headed. Gfs is very meh.... doesn’t look like anyone in SNE would see more than a few inches with that look
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